Issue - meetings

Strategic Economic Plan

Meeting: 26/03/2014 - Executive (Item 454)

454 Leicester & Leicestershire Strategic Economic Plan, City Deal & European funding pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction).


Members were provided with an overview of the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership’s (LLEP) key strategic plans. Key examples of projects being facilitated in the Borough were discussed, including MIRA Enterprise Zone, RGF improvements to the A5 and the Sustainable Urban Extensions. These were building on the success of regeneration initiatives in the Town Centre including the Atkins Building, the new College campus, Midlands Studio School and Vocational Training Centre, Hinckley Hub and Greenfield’s employment scheme. On the motion of Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Bill, it was




(i)         the Executive be minded to approve the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership’s Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) with final approval delegated to the Leader and Chief Executive;


(ii)        the submission of the City Deal be supported with final approval delegated to the Leader and Chief Executive;


(iii)       The Hinckley & Bosworth Local Economic Plan be endorsed.