Issue - meetings

Tenancy Conditions

Meeting: 26/03/2014 - Executive (Item 462)

462 Tenancy Conditions pdf icon PDF 299 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction).


Members were advised of proposed new tenancy conditions for council tenants and two related policies – the Successions Policy and the Recharge Policy. It was explained that the recharge policy would charge for repairs and was intended to make tenants aware of the consequences of their actions. With regard to the Successions Policy, it was noted that this had been updated following new legislation as part of the Localism Act which allowed greater discretion in agreeing successions of tenancies. During debate, the following points were raised:


  • There would be wide consultation on the proposals
  • The changes would apply to not only new tenants, but would also be applied to existing tenants, given the correct consultation and notice
  • Flexible payment plans would be available as part of the recharge policy
  • Accidental damage may be covered by the tenant’s contents insurance policy depending on the nature of the accident, and the authority also had its own insurance
  • A tidy garden scheme was being considered to assist elderly tenants and a tool share scheme to provide equipment for people who were able to look after their garden themselves
  • If a tenant left a property in a poor state, they would be recharged for the work if they had left a forwarding address. If not, they would not be able to get housing with the authority again as they would be considered to be in debt
  • The Probation Service had assisted in the past with providing people for gardening and DIY.


A Members asked if other RSLs would be part of the initiatives, and in response it was noted that it was up to each provider, but that contact could be made with them to ask.


It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Bill, and


RESOLVED – the Tenancy Conditions, Successions Policy and Recharge Policy be approved for consultation with tenants.