Issue - meetings

Car Parking Update

Meeting: 26/03/2014 - Executive (Item 459)

459 Car Parking Update pdf icon PDF 49 KB


Members were presented with a report which attempted to address concerns regarding car parking for the Hub. Options outlined included the use of the Rock Garage site on a temporary basis (including allocated spaces for car sharing), the use of Westfield Community Centre for LCC staff, and longer term possibilities including re-designation of car parks and potential provision off Willowbank Road.


Concern was expressed regarding the current situation whereby staff in the Hub with permits for Willowbank or Brunel Road car parks, continued to park on the residential streets surrounding the Hub. It was felt that if staff were charged for parking permits, the situation would worsen. The Leader reported that HBBC officers had been asked to be considerate to residents when choosing parking locations, and he asked that senior officers at Leicestershire County Council be asked to do the same for their staff. Members requested an update in three months.


It was moved by Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Bray and




(i)         the use of the Rock Garage site as temporary staff parking be approved;


(ii)        negotiation for the use of Westfield Community Centre as parking for LCC staff be supported;


(iii)       extension of staff concessionary parking for a further six months be approved;


(iv)       future options be noted and explored at the appropriate time;


(v)        an update be brought back to the Executive in three months.