Issue - meetings

Health & Well being

Meeting: 02/10/2014 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 200)

200 Health & Well being pdf icon PDF 128 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction) attached.


The Scrutiny Commission was informed of changes that had taken place over recent years in the planning and delivery responsibilities for public health. Rob Howard from Public Health at Leicestershire County Council and Dr Nick Wilmott, a local GP and West Leicestershire CCG representative, were in attendance. It was reported that there was a Health & Well-being Board, which was administered by Leicestershire County Council. Two district councillors, representing districts across the County, sat on this Board.


The ‘Lightbulb’ Project was discussed in some detail. The aim of this was to enable older people to stay in their own homes for longer, by providing adaptations, aids & equipment, affordable heating, occupational therapy co-ordination and support.


Whilst not relating directly to the matter under discussion, the issue of section 106 monies providing healthcare facilities (particularly in Barwell & Earl Shilton) was raised. Dr Wilmott assured members that the matter was on the radar of the CCG and that he would take the Commission’s comments back to the Group.


It was further noted that the CCG would be reporting back to the Scrutiny Commission following its consultation exercise, at which point questions regarding the future of the hospitals could be put.


It was also reported that the voluntary & community sector had been commissioned to carry out projects on behalf of the council.


A member asked information on funding and allocation of money. It was agreed that this be sent to members following the meeting.


Members thanked those in attendance for their positive contributions and for the informative presentations.