Issue - meetings

Rural Areas Review 2014

Meeting: 03/07/2014 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 82)

82 Rural Areas Review 2014 pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction).

Additional documents:


The Scrutiny Commission received the annual rural areas review which detailed services provided in the borough’s rural areas. During discussion on the report, the following points were discussed:


  • Fuel poverty: it was noted that work was being undertaken to provide fuel poverty advice to tenants, and also to provide advice on effective ventilation due to the apparent reluctance of residents to open windows and therefore lose heat.
  • A member asked how the reduction in average household energy consumption had been measured and also the monitoring score. Officers agreed to look into this after the meeting and respond.
  • Local walking groups: the popularity and growth of these was noted and it was explained that Cultural Services facilitated the groups but they were led locally.


Members felt that the report was very useful to demonstrate the level of service provision to rural areas, particularly to those residents in those areas who felt their Council Tax did not provide value for money.


RESOLVED – the report and extent of service provision be endorsed.