Issue - meetings

Credit Union - Communications Strategy - update

Meeting: 02/10/2014 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 201)

201 Credit Union - Communications Strategy - update pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction) attached.

Additional documents:


A report regarding communication and marketing options in relation to Clockwise Credit Union was presented to members, as requested by the Scrutiny Commission in March 2014. The importance of raising the profile was acknowledged and members were informed that the DWP was currently running a Credit Union Expansion Programme, with which Clockwise was involved.


The Scrutiny Commission highlighted the problems currently being experienced by one of the large lending companies, in having to write off a large amount of debt. It was suggested that this negative press be utilised to promote Clockwise, particularly with the Christmas period approaching.


With regard to advertising, it was noted that the Hinckley Times was providing coverage prior to an event in Hinckley on 20 October. Other marketing currently used included the Borough Bulletin, Community House Newsletters, Borough events, Partner Forums and networks and the HBBC staff newsletter.


It was suggested that other avenues, such as radio interviews, be explored. Officers drew attention to appendix 1 to the report which suggested use of social media, targeted door to door leafleting, linking with the Town Centre Partnership and engaging with key employers. A member suggested advertising Clockwise on the side of one of the authority’s refuse vehicles and officers agreed to look into this option.




(i)            Current marketing strategies be continued and new methods of communication be explored;


(ii)           The provision of local access points and supporting arrangements be continued.