Issue - meetings

Housing Repairs

Meeting: 03/07/2014 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 83)

83 Housing Repairs pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction).


Members were updated on the Housing Repairs review and progress made against the action plan. It was reported that a lot of progress had been made over the previous 18 months and a peer review by another authority had been undertaken. Whilst it was noted that customer satisfaction was high, more responses to surveys would provide a more robust view.


In relation to areas for improvement, it was reported that whilst response to repairs under priority categories 1 and 2 had improved, priority 3 and 4 cases required improved response rates.


Members were reminded that Wilmott Dixon had operated an open book system rather than schedule of rates; so, when the service was brought in-house an uplift of 20% had been applied to a former schedule of rates. A subsequent review of the schedule of rates had found that rates were still 30% lower than they should have been and a further uplift had been agreed.


Void costs remained high and additional controls had been introduced in an attempt to manage this. The additional controls would not reduce the standard of work to voids, but would enforce an audit of work necessary and undertaken. It was agreed that the performance information for ‘time to re-let’ would be brought back to a future meeting. In response to a member’s question, it was stated that loss of rental income was not included in void costs, but was closely monitored. A member also reminded officers that the Finance, Audit & Performance Committee had asked that ward members receive updates on voids and on work undertaken to enable re-letting. It was agreed that this would be followed up. Members were also reminded that there were now tenant inspectors. It was also agreed that numbers of kitchens and bathrooms installed would be brought back, along with average costings of each, in order to assist members in understanding how much work could be undertaken within the budget.




(i)         the report be notice and progress be welcomed;


(ii)        a further report be brought back to the Commission regarding the installation of new kitchens and bathrooms.