349 Station Road Public Realm - supplementary budget PDF 148 KB
Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction) to follow.
Members gave consideration to a report relating to a key public realm improvement scheme in the town centre which would provide a high quality link between the Crescent and Caste Street. The report requested a supplementary budget for public realm improvements on Station Road, Hinckley. A member emphasised the need to ensure a flow of styles between the Victorian buildings on Station Road, moving up toward the modern Crescent development. Officers gave assurance that it would be designed sympathetically and complementary materials would be used within the confines of the budget available. It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Witherford and
(i) The supplementary budget of £48,500 for the advanced construction works for the planned public realm improvements on Station Road, Hinckley, be approved;
(ii) The re-profiling of the budget from the 2015/16 capital programme resulting in no increase to the total cost of the public realm works (funded from developer contributions) be noted.
224 Station Road Public Realm - supplementary budget PDF 111 KB
Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction).
Members were informed of the requirement for a supplementary budget for the design work for a public realm improvement scheme for Station Road in Hinckley, funded by developer contributions through the planning process. It was moved by Councillor Gould, seconded by Councillor Crooks and
RESOLVED – a supplementary budget of £40,000 be agreed for the current financial year, to be funded from developer contributions to meet the estimated costs of designing a public realm improvement scheme for Station Road in Hinckley.