252 Reducing excess winter deaths - public health funding PDF 108 KB
Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction).
Council was advised of external funding received from Public Health to address the issue of excess winter deaths from cold through a countywide project which resulted in the need to appoint three Warm Home Officers plus additional part time bank staff to carry out temperature and humidity audits across the County.
A member emphasised the need to liaise with parish councils to aid communication, and it was agreed that this would be addressed.
It was moved by Councillor Gould, seconded by Councillor Mullaney and
(i) The project to deliver strategically targeted advice and practical support to residents within the County in order to reduce the number of excess winter deaths be approved;
(ii) The receipt of public health funding to support the project and to act as the lead authority on behalf of the other Leicestershire authorities for the recruitment of the Warm Homes Officers be approved;
(iii) The creation of income and expenditure budgets totalling £59,033 be approved.