Motions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rules 13.1 and 13.2
The following are amended versions of the Motions printed on the face of the original agenda.
(a) Motion received from Councillor Gould, seconded by Councillor Hulbert:
“That this Council commits to spend £100 of overall revenue income for each home built in the Barwell and Earl Shilton Sustainable Urban Extensions on capital projects in the respective settlements.
Specifically this council commits to spending
£250,000 (in addition to Section 106 contributions obtained
for the purpose) upon a replacement building for the Jubilee Hall,
Byron Close, Barwell in consultation
with Barwell Parish Council;
Commit £160,000 on facilities in Earl
Shilton in consultation with Earl
Shilton Town Council.
(b) Motion received from Councillor Gould, seconded by Councillor Bill:
This Council requests that the Chief Executive respond to each and every consultation relating to the Birmingham-Leicester line requesting the opening of a station at Elmesthorpe to serve the communities of Barwell and Earl Shilton and seeking commitments from Blaby District Council and the LLEP to secure that objective.
Further, this Council reaffirms its request to the Chief Executive to also include in his response a request for a twice hourly service for both Elmesthorpe and Hinckley.
The following motions
(a) Motion proposed by Councillor Gould, seconded by Councillor Hulbert:
“That this Council commits to spend £100 of overall revenue income for each home built in the Barwell and Earl Shilton Sustainable Urban Extensions on capital projects in the respective settlements.
Specifically this council commits to spending
£250,000 (in addition to Section 106 contributions obtained
for the purpose) upon a replacement building for the Jubilee Hall,
Byron Close, Barwell in consultation
with Barwell Parish Council;
· Commits £160,000 on facilities in Earl Shilton in consultation with Earl Shilton Town Council.
During discussion, Councillor Ladkin proposed an AMENDMENT to the motion that the figure for Earl Shilton match that for Barwell, ie £250,000. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was LOST.
Upon being put to the vote, the original motion moved by Councillor Gould and seconded by Councillor Hulbert was CARRIED and it was
RESOLVED – £100 of revenue from each home built in Barwell and Earl Shilton Sustainable Urban Extensions be spent on capital projects in the respective settlements:
(i) £250,000 (in addition to S106 contributions obtained for this purpose) upon a replacement building for the Jubilee Hall, Byron Close, Barwell;
(ii) £160,000
on facilities in Earl Shilton.
(b) Motion proposed by Councillor Gould, seconded by Councillor Bill:
This Council requests that the Chief Executive respond to each and every consultation relating to the Birmingham-Leicester line requesting the opening of a station at Elmesthorpe to serve the communities of Barwell and Earl Shilton and seeking commitments from Blaby District Council and the LLEP to secure that objective.
Further, this Council reaffirms its request to the Chief Executive to also include in his response a request for a twice hourly service for both Elmesthorpe and Hinckley.
Upon being put to the vote, it was CARRIED and unanimously
RESOLVED – the action requested by Council be undertaken.