Issue - meetings

2015/16 OUtturn

Meeting: 10/08/2015 - Finance, Audit & Performance Committee (Item 88)

88 2015/16 Outturn - 1st quarter pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction).

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Members were informed of the revenue and capital outturn at the end of the first quarter 2015/16. It was reported that an underspend on the general fund was forecast due to additional income from planning fees and that overspends on the capital programme were due to routine carry-forwards of budgets from the previous year not having been approved by Council until 21 July.


In response to a member’s question, it was noted that the deficit on the Housing Revenue Account had been budgeted for to allow the transfer of surpluses to reserves and wasn’t a negative occurrence.


RESOLVED – the report be noted.