Issue - meetings

15/00603/COU - Barlestone Methodist Church, 16 Newbold Road, Barlestone

Meeting: 22/09/2015 - Planning Committee (Item 178)

178 15/00603/COU - Barlestone Methodist Church, 16 Newbold Road, Barlestone pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Change of use from church to gymnasium.


Application for change of use of church to gymnasium.


There was a consensus amongst members that tighter restrictions on hours of opening should be proposed. Concern was also expressed about parking at the site and indicated that a gymnasium car park would be used more intensively than a church. Distinction was made between songs heard from a church and amplified music from a gymnasium. Councillor O’Shea proposed to move the application subject to a condition imposing a tighter hours restriction, however this motion fell due to the absence of a seconder.


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that the application be approved, Councillor Hollick proposed refusal on the grounds of proximity and adverse effect to neighbours through noise disturbance. Councillor Bill seconded Councillor Hollick’s proposal and as this was the first valid motion it was put to the vote, declared CARRIED and it was therefore


                        RESOLVED – the application be refused due to the adverse effect of the proposal upon residential amenity through noise and disturbance contrary to Policy BE1 (criterion i) of the Local Plan 2001.


Councillor Rooney left the meeting at 19:16pm.