Issue - meetings

Blueprint 2020 - Leicestershire Police consultation

Meeting: 10/12/2015 - Scrutiny Commission (Item 293)

293 Blueprint 2020 - Leicestershire Police consultation

Chief Inspector Lucy Batchelor will be in attendance.


Chief Inspector Lucy Batchelor attended the meeting to present the Blueprint 2020 project to members. During the presentation and in response to questions, the following points were raised:


·         The ‘workforce mix’ was about protecting frontline policing, using people more efficiently and making best use of technology

·         The potential to increase ‘self-service’ online, which would be subject to a consultation in the New Year

·         The need to tackle cyber-crime as a major growth area

·         Further consultation and engagement with community groups would take place throughout 2016.


Councillor Ward arrived at 6.33pm.


During discussion on the presentation, members raised the following points:


·         Whilst the importance of counter-terrorism was acknowledged, it was suggested that, to the majority of residents, it was issues on their doorstep such as antisocial behaviour that were most important

·         The gradual withdrawal of community policing over the past 30 years

·         The lack of communication between the Police and councillors. The Deputy Chief Executive reminded members that there were open sessions for councillors following the Endeavour meetings and these would continue

·         A few parish councils had been informed that, as a representative of the police had been unable to attend their meetings, they could get the latest crime figures online, however on looking online, the information had been a couple of months out of date. The representative agreed to follow this up.


The Chairman requested that councillors be involved in consultation events where possible.