353 S106 contributions towards off-site play and open space PDF 103 KB
Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction), providing an update on off-site plan and open space S106 contributions.
The Scrutiny Commission received an annual update on developer contributions in relation to off-site play and open space. During discussion and responses to questions, the following points were raised:
· Section 106 agreements took effect from the date signed, and if changes to legislation occurred between drafting and signing, the agreement would need to be updated accordingly
· The formulas for requesting contributions were included in the S106 supplementary planning document
· A member asked if a developer ceased to trade following completion of a development, would the contributions be secure. Officers agreed to check the specific details of the example given and report back to the councillor
· In relation to the Barwell Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE), it was noted that there had been a delay whilst the development consortium negotiated transport contributions with Leicestershire County Council, but agreement and signing was fairly imminent.