383 Green Space Delivery Plan update PDF 139 KB
An update on the progress of projects detailed within the Green Space Delivery Plan 2014-18 is attached.
Members were updated on the progress of projects detailed within the Green Space Delivery Plan 2014-18. During discussion, the following points were raised:
· Play & open space in De Montfort Ward: there may be the opportunity for a developer to provide this as part of the redevelopment of sites in this area
· Clarendon Park: Discussions were still taking place with a neighbouring business and factory in relation to water flowing into the park
· Langdale Road: It was hoped that the projects would be funded by S106 developer contributions
· Granville Road: the planned mini ball ‘skills’ court would have low fencing and mini goals for use with small balls
· Queens Park: It was suggested that an application could be made to the Environmental Improvement Programme for an additional two heritage lighting columns by Davenport Terrace
· Argents Mead: It was noted that, due to safeguarding concerns, the play area would now be sited outside the churchyard boundary rather than next to the leisure centre.
RESOLVED – the report be noted and projects be endorsed.