Issue - meetings

15/00942/FUL - Former Police Station, Upper Bond Street, Hinckley

Meeting: 22/03/2016 - Planning Committee (Item 463)

463 15/00942/FUL - Former Police Station, Upper Bond Street, Hinckley pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Change of use from Police Station to 32 residential apartments.


Application for change of use from Police Station to 30 residential apartments.


Whilst in support of the principle of bringing the building back into use, concern was expressed regarding insufficient car parking provision on site and the potential of exacerbating the on-street parking problems in the surrounding area. It was moved by Councillor Witherford and seconded by Councillor Taylor that the application be deferred for a site visit and further discussions with the applicant in relation to parking.


Councillor Cartwright proposed an amendment that the application be deferred to give consideration to a S106 agreement to alleviate potential parking problems. Following clarification by officers that further discussion would not be necessary and the requirement for a S106 agreement could be added as part of this decision, Councillor Cartwright withdrew his amendment.


Councillor Wright, seconded by Councillor O’Shea, proposed that the application be approved subject to the conditions in the officer’s report and a requirement for a Section 106 agreement to provide parking permits for 14 units in council-owned long-stay car parks for two years at the developer’s expense.


As the first viable motion, Councillor Witherford’s proposal to defer for a site visit was put to the vote and LOST.


Councillor Wright’s motion that the application be approved with the additional Section 106 agreement was put to the vote and subsequently CARRIED. It was therefore


RESOLVED – the application be approved subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report and a Section 106 agreement requiring a financial contribution for 14 parking permits in HBBC’s long-term car parks for a period of two years.