Issue - meetings

15/00582/FUL - land north east of Triumph Motorcycles Ltd, Dodwells Road, Hinckley

Meeting: 16/08/2016 - Planning Committee (Item 124)

124 15/00582/FUL - land north east of Triumph Motorcycles Ltd, Dodwells Road, Hinckley pdf icon PDF 747 KB

Development of 260 dwellings (use class C3), formal and informal public open space including children’s play area and associated infrastructure including highways, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage system.


Late items:




NHS England has responded to the application and have requested a contribution of £143,562.96.


Leicestershire County Council (Flooding) (Lead Local Flood Authority) required some further information which has been submitted by the applicant and have revised their comments to request three conditions relating to drainage of the site.


Leicestershire County Council (Highways) have provided amended comments to the application and raise no objections subject to several additional conditions.




Access and Highways


Leicestershire County Council (Highways) have requests nine conditions to be included. Several of these conditions are included within the committee report.


A condition has been requested which requires the development to comply with the standards of the 6 C’s document and submission of details relating to internal layout. The adoption of the road will be secured by other legislation and by LCC Highways and is therefore not considered necessary to secure this by condition.


Conditions are also requested which requires all dwellings to be within 400 metres of a bus stop and provide a plan showing this and submission of details of the internal layout of the scheme. This condition is not considered necessary as the layout is to be agreed with this application and the bus strategy will identify the bus stops which can ensure properties are within 400 metres of a bus stop.


Condition 6 and 7 of the committee report will be amalgamated following comments from LCC Highways, this condition will ensure the same requirements as the previous condition 6 and 7.


An additional condition requiring car parking to be provided and retained permanently and requirement of pedestrian visibility splays are considered reasonable and necessary to ensure highway safety within the development in accordance with Policy DM17 and DM18 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.


Impact upon Flood Risk


Additional figures have been submitted following a request by Leicestershire County Council (Flooding). Following this information LCC (Flooding) do not object to the application, subject to the inclusion of three conditions. The first condition requires the submission of a surface water drainage scheme; the second condition requires details regarding the phasing of the development and appropriate temporary

measures to be details where necessary; and the third requires the submission of surface water discharge details. These conditions will ensure that measure are taken to ensure appropriate drainage for both the construction phase and at completion and are therefore relevant and necessary.


Developer Contributions (Section 106 obligations)




NHS England has undertaken an assessment of the impact of the development. It is considered that the proposed development would result in an additional patient population of 629 (using the Census household size of 2.42 per dwelling). This would result in 16.54 hours patient appointment time per week for a consulting room and 4.41 patient appointment time per week for a treatment room. The closest GP  ...  view the full agenda text for item 124


Application for development of 260 dwellings (use class C3), formal and informal public open space including children’s play area and associated infrastructure including highways, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage system.


Whilst in support of the application, a member reminded the meeting that, when the outline application for the development had been considered at the previous meeting, the final agreement on the detail of the S106 agreement had been delegated to a group of six members. An AMENDMENT to this effect was moved by Councillor Witherford and seconded by Councillor Cartwright and subsequently CARRIED.


 It was moved by Councillor Ladkin, seconded by Councillor Taylor and




(i)            Planning permission be granted subject to completion of a Section 106 agreement and the conditions contained in the officer’s report and late items;


(ii)           Negotiation of the details of the Section 106 agreement be delegated to officers, with the final decision on the terms of the agreement delegated to a group of six members to be agreed by the chairman and the opposition representative for planning.


Councillor Bill left the meeting at 6.45pm.