Issue - meetings

16/00566/FUL - 23 Bradgate Road, Hinckley

Meeting: 16/08/2016 - Planning Committee (Item 128)

128 16/00566/FUL - 23 Bradgate Road, Hinckley pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Erection of one dwelling.


Late items:




No objection has been received from Severn Trent Water Limited subject to a note to applicant regarding sewer connections and sewer records.


No objection has been received from the Arboricultural Officer.


Two additional neighbour responses received objecting on similar grounds to those contained in the main agenda report and loss of amenity from noise, dust and disturbance during construction.




The issues raised within the additional objection responses have been assessed and appraised within the main agenda report. Noise and disturbance during construction would be only temporary in nature and not result in any long term adverse impacts on residential amenity.




Additional note to applicant:-


5. The applicant's attention is drawn to the following advice from Severn Trent Water Limited. For the use or reuse of sewer connections either direct or indirect to the public sewerage system the applicant will be required to make a formal application to the Company under Section 106 of the Water Industry Act 1991. They may obtain copies of current guidance notes and application form from either our website ( or by contacting our New Connections Team (Tel: 0800 707 6600). Severn Trent Water advise that although statutory sewer records do not show any public sewers within the area specified, there may be sewers that have been recently adopted under, The Transfer Of Sewer Regulations 2011. Public sewers have statutory protection and may not be built close to, directly over or be diverted without consent and you are advised to contact Severn Trent Water to discuss your proposals. Severn Trent will seek to assist you obtaining a solution which protects both the public sewer and the building.


Application for erection of one dwelling.


It was moved by Councillor Cartwright, seconded by Councillor Crooks and


RESOLVED – planning permission be granted subject to the conditions in the officer’s report and late items.