Issue - meetings

Complaints 2016/04, 05 & 06

Meeting: 28/10/2016 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee (Item 226)

Complaints 2016/04, 05 & 06

Members are asked to consider complaints 2016/04, 05 and 06 which are combined into a single report as they relate to the same matter.


Consideration was given to complaints about three parish councillors which were considered together due to the circumstances surrounding the complaint being the same. After hearing the background to the complaint and the outcome of conversations with the complainant and subject members, members of the committee felt that there had been a breakdown of relationships within the parish council over the matter and that any investigation would be based on one person’s word against another, which would not lead to an outcome for either party.


It was moved by Councillor Cartwright and seconded by Councillor O’Shea that no further action be taken, but that the Parish Council members be reminded of the Nolan Principles and the Code of Conduct and their obligations to comply with these. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was unanimously CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – no further action be taken, but members of the parish council be reminded of their obligations to comply with the Nolan Principles and the Code of Conduct.