Issue - meetings

Role of committee

Meeting: 19/12/2016 - Hinckley Area Committee (Item 299)

299 Future role of committee

To update members following discussions on the role of the committee.


Following on from the discussion at the previous meeting and in order to inform a full report to the following meeting, discussion ensued on the possible future responsibilities of the Hinckley Area Committee. During discussion, the following points and suggestions were made for the role of the committee:


·         Monitoring of S106 contributions

·         Updates on events in the town

·         Support for community events

·         Hinckley Community Initiative Fund

·         Consideration of and consultation on planning applications.


A member asked why funding for neighbourhood watch was only the Hinckley West group, and in response it was noted that it was originally for the west of Hinckley but now covered the whole area. It was requested that the co-ordinator be invited to a meeting of this committee to talk about the work of the group and funding.


As an aside and a matter outside of the committee, it was suggested that ward councillors should be involved in the planning process at the pre-application stage to enable them to address any issues at an early stage.




(i)            A report be brought to the next meeting to expand upon the items suggested;


(ii)           The Hinckley Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator be invited to a future meeting of the committee;


(iii)          A request be made that ward councillors be involved in the planning process at the pre-application stage.

Meeting: 10/11/2016 - Hinckley Area Committee (Item 251)

251 Role of committee pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Members will consider the role and remit of the committee and may wish to recommend changes to this. Two documents are attached – firstly a report setting out the remit of the committee when it was first created as the ‘Special Expenses Area Committee’, and the original terms of reference.

Additional documents:


Members discussed the role of the Hinckley Area Committee and any changes they may wish to see, including greater responsibility, more frequent meetings, input into events in Hinckley or more progress updates. During discussion, members made the following suggestions for their future role:


·         acting as consultee on planning applications, as a parish council would

·         monitoring income from and use of section 106 contributions.


On a related matter, following some discussion, it was agreed that a representative of the planning service be invited to the next meeting to explain the processes in relation to section 106 contributions, specifically in relation to the Hinckley area, and time limits for spending the money.


In relation to the future role of the committee, suggestions were invited over the next couple of weeks, after which time these would be investigated and reported to the next meeting.


RESOLVED – a report be presented to the next meeting with options for the future role of the Hinckley Area Committee.