Issue - meetings

17/00734/OUT - Land Adjacent To Dalebrook Farm, Leicester Road, Earl Shilton

Meeting: 10/10/2017 - Planning Committee (Item 171)

171 17/00734/OUT - Land Adjacent To Dalebrook Farm, Leicester Road, Earl Shilton pdf icon PDF 110 KB

Application for residential development up to 49 dwellings (Outline – all matters reserved).


Late items:




Further consultation responses have been received.


Further assessment of the principle of development of residential development is considered below.




Environment Agency – object to the application as submitted because the applicant has not supplied adequate information to demonstrate that the risks of pollution posed to surface water quality can be safely managed.


Leicestershire County Council (Highways) – The Applicant has failed to demonstrate the impact of the proposed development, such that if it were permitted could result in the unsafe and unsatisfactory operation of the surrounding highway network.


Leicestershire County Council (Ecology) – Whilst some of the site has been developed, the development may impact on areas of grassland and hedgerow and are within close proximity to a pond and watercourse. Surveys should be submitted to ensure no adverse impact on features of nature conservation.


Some consultation responses are outstanding with the consultation period due to expire on 19 October 2017.




Impact upon highway safety


Leicestershire County Council (Highways) (LHA) has provided written confirmation of their objection to the proposed development commenting that: The LHA is aware that the site has previous planning history and that the site has extant planning approval for 20 caravan pitches which shall not be occupied by persons other than gypsies and travellers as defined in Annex 1: Glossary to the ‘Planning policy for travellers sites’, published by the Department for Communities and Local Government. In the absence of any supporting technical documentation, the LHA does not accept that this extant planning permission sufficiently demonstrates that in the future, vehicle movements associated with a 49 dwelling development will not impact on the safe operation of the highway. Therefore, the principle of a 49 dwelling residential development being acceptable in highway terms in this location has not been adequately demonstrated.


The proposal is considered to be contrary to Policy DM17 of the SADMP. The potential adverse impact on the safe operation of the highway should be reflected in an updated reason for refusal.




Leicestershire County Council (Ecology) has commented that although some of the site has been developed there is potential to impact further on grassland and hedgerows which may be used for habitats and foraging for badgers and bats. Additionally, the site is within close proximity to a pond and watercourse which may be habitats for great crested newts, otters, water vole and white-clawed crayfish.


No ecological surveys were undertaken and submitted for the previous applications on the site. A large proportion of the site has been hard surfaced and therefore the impact on grassland is limited. The development may impact on some hedgerows although the majority could be retained which would be subject to detailed consideration at the reserved matters stage.


The development would not directly impact on water features and therefore consideration relates primarily to exclusion during construction and future phases which could be adequately dealt with through mitigation measures.


As this application is  ...  view the full agenda text for item 171


Application for residential development up to 49 dwellings (outline – all matters reserved).


It was moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Crooks and


RESOLVED – planning permission be refused for the reasons outlined in the officer’s report and late items, subject to no new material planning considerations being raised during the remaining consultation response period to the 19 October 2017.


Councillor Allen left the meeting at this juncture.