254 Homeless Reduction Act and Flexible Homelessness Grant PDF 119 KB
To advise members of the new duties arising from the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 and potential implications for the council and to advise on DCLG funding through a flexible homelessness grant and new burdens funding.
Council was advised of new duties arising from the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 and potential implications for the council and of DCLG funding through a flexible homelessness grant and new burdens funding.
During discussion, a report was requested on rollout of universal credit and implications of this. In response, it was noted that this was scheduled for Finance & Performance Scrutiny in early 2018. Members also queried whether the resources requested would be adequate to support the new duties under the Homelessness Reduction Act.
Whilst not directly relating to the report, discussion ensued on affordable housing including ensuring viability, the need for developers to have a social landlord on board at the time of the application being submitted and exemption sites.
It was moved by Councillor Wallace, seconded by Councillor Allen and
(i) The new statutory responsibilities of the Homelessness Reduction Act and the implications of these for the council be noted;
(ii) Supplementary income and expenditure budgets of £118,078 for 2017/18 and £123,129 for 2018/19 (based on the funding awarded by central government for the flexible homelesseness grant and new burdens money) be approved.