Issue - meetings

17/01249/FUL - 35 Forresters Road, Burbage

Meeting: 06/02/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 329)

329 17/01249/FUL - 35 Forresters Road, Burbage pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Proposal for demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 no. detached houses.


‘Late items:’




Design and impact upon the character of the area


A revised plan has been submitted amending the design of the proposed dwelling which would be located adjacent to 37 Forresters Road, Burbage. The changes involve the introduction of a front gable. The height of the front gable would be 7 metres to the ridge with an eaves height of 4.7 metres to match the proposed eaves height of the dwelling.


The proposed design would be similar to that of the adjacent property 37 Forresters Road. Therefore the amended design of the proposed dwelling would be in keeping with the character of the surrounding area.


A plan has been submitted detailing the proposed landscaping for the site, as noted in the Officer Report; the site is located on a prominent corner within the wider street scene. It is proposed that the existing hedgerow is to be retained with additional planting also to be undertaken on this boundary. This will therefore ensure that the proposed development is adequate screened by landscaping.


The adjoining property; 2a Sunnyhill South; is screened by high hedging that runs along the boundary between the two properties. The submitted landscaping scheme shows replacement planting proposed to this boundary to ensure that there is adequate screening to the adjacent property. It is considered that the proposed screening would be adequate to protect the privacy of the neighbouring property.




Condition 5 should be removed as the landscaping plan provides details of proposed waste and recycling storage on the site, and therefore this is in accordance with Policy DM10 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.


Condition 7 should be removed as the landscaping plan will be included within the list of approved plans set out in condition 2.


Condition 2 should be substituted with the following:


The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the submitted application details, as follows: Site Location Plan and Block Plan received by the Local Planning Authority on the 5 December 2017; and Sheet 2 Existing & Proposed Planting, Surface and Boundary Treatment (Drawing Number: OB002) and Proposed Elevations, Floor Plans & Street Scene Locations (Drawing Number: OB002) received by the Local Planning Authority on the 1 February 2018.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory impact of the development to accord with Policies DM1 and DM10 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD.


Application for demolition of existing bungalow and erection of two detached houses.


It was moved by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Ladkin and




(i)            Permission be granted subject to the conditions in the officer’s report and late items;


(ii)           The Planning Manager (Development Management) be granted powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions.