Issue - meetings

Complaint 2018/02

Meeting: 14/03/2018 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee (Item 400)

Complaint 2018/02

Fact finding report attached.


Members gave consideration to a complaint about a parish councillor having disclosed confidential staffing matters in a public meeting and without due notice having been provided of the item. Whilst members felt the meeting should perhaps have moved into private session during consideration of the item, it was acknowledged that other councillors would have been aware of the intention to discuss the item from the heading on the agenda and that sharing the information was only necessary because of questions posed.


It was moved by Councillor Cartwright and seconded by Councillor Camamile that no further action be taken in relation to the complaint, but that the clerk to the parish council should be reminded that such discussions should take place in private session. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED.


Councillor Crooks arrived at 6.52pm.


It was also suggested that guidance be sent to all parish/town clerks about moving into private session to discuss information from which the public and press should be exempt.




(i)            No further action be taken in respect of complaint 2018/02;


(ii)           The parish clerk be reminded of the need to move into private session when necessary;


(iii)          Guidance be issued to all clerks in relation to exempt information.