Issue - meetings

18/00178/CONDIT - Kingscliffe, 48 Barton Road, Market Bosworth

Meeting: 10/04/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 425)

425 18/00178/CONDIT - Kingscliffe, 48 Barton Road, Market Bosworth pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Application for variation of condition 2 of planning permission 17/00612/CONDIT for an additional attached garage to the front, re-siting of the house and an amended site layout.


‘Late items:’



Since the publication of the committee report three additional letters of objection have been received.


Letter of objection received from Councillor Cook raising the following concerns:-


1)         Increase in mass and density of development does not enhance the surrounding area with regard to scale, layout and density, contrary to Policy DM10 of the SADMP and Policy C31 of the MBNP.


Letter of objection received from Market Bosworth Society raising the following concerns:-


1)         Overdevelopment of the site and out of character with the adjacent properties, contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan.

2)         Inaccuracy of the plans submitted

3)         The application should be considered in the context of the wider site including the previous permissions for the site, not just an amendment to this dwelling


One letter of objection received raising the following concerns:-


1)         Increase in density of development

2)         Impact upon the view and approach to the village

3)         Inaccuracy and unclear nature of the plans submitted

4)         The application should be considered in the context of the wider site including the previous permissions for the site, not just an amendment to this dwelling

5)         Contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan, which is being ignored as part of the determination of the application.




Concerns have arisen regarding the impact upon a designated view. The proposed amendments is located within the south east of the site and would not be easily visible from View 5 due to the dwelling to the north of the site and the significant planting to the northern boundary of the site. Therefore, the proposed amendment would not appear dominant within the application site or intrusive to the important views 4 and 5 as designated within the MBNP.


Concerns have been raised regarding the accuracy of the plans and the application should be considered in the context of the wider site. It is considered that the proposed plans are accurate and in accordance with the previously approved developments on the site. Given the minor size, scale and height of the garage extension, the proposed amendment is not considered to have a significant adverse impact upon the character of the site as a whole, or result in a significant increase in mass or density in relation to the site as a whole.


Full weight has been given to the Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan full consideration has been given and addressed in the committee extract.


All other concerns raised through the consultation responses received above have been considered and addressed in the committee extract.




No change.


Application for variation of condition 2 of planning permission 17/00612/CONDIT for an additional attached garage to the front, re-site of the house and an amended site layout.


It was moved by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Surtees and




(i)            Permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report;


(ii)           The Planning Manager (Development Management) be granted powers to determine the final detail of the planning conditions.


Councillor Ladkin left the meeting at 7.35pm.