Issue - meetings

14/00596/OUT - Garden Farm, Bagworth Road, Barlestone

Meeting: 08/05/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 459)

459 Proposed variation to Section 106 agreement relating to planning application 14/00596/OUT pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Report requesting a variation of a S106 agreement.


The committee received a report which requested variation of a Section 106 agreement to reduce the provision of on site affordable housing to 15% from the previously agreed 40% in relation to the site at Garden Farm, Bagworth Road, Barlestone.


Whilst members were reluctant to reduce the affordable housing provision on the site, it was acknowledged that an independent viability assessment had supported the developer’s viability claim and that it would encourage the development to be built. It was also noted that an overage clause would ensure that any uplift in values would result in a commuted sum being made available for off-site affordable housing provision.


It was moved by Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Hollick and




(i)            A deed of variation to the signed Section 106 agreement for planning application 14/00596/OUT (permitted 17/12/2015) to reduce the on site affordable dwellings to 15% of the total dwellings on site and the addition of an overage clause be approved;


(ii)           The Planning Manager (Development Management) be granted delegated powers to determine the details of the overage clause and the final wording of the deed of variation.