Issue - meetings

17/01297/FUL - 84 Leicester Road, Hinckley

Meeting: 28/08/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 159)

159 17/01297/FUL - 84 Leicester Road, Hinckley pdf icon PDF 232 KB

Application for erection of seven dwellings, garages and associated drive (resubmission of application 17/00096/FUL).


Late items:




An amended plan has been submitted for plots 7 and 8, which include the proposed single garages, to accord with the proposed layout plan. Given the minor nature of the amendments there was no need to carry out any further re-consultation.




Councillor Kirby has objected to the proposal on the following grounds:-


1)    Surrounding properties have suffered flooding from sewerage in homes and gardens from poor drainage and concerned this development would add pressure on the system.

2)    Works to the drainage in the area last year, has still resulted in flooding issues to Island Close which is situated to the rear.

3)    Although Highways have not objected surely another 14 plus vehicles using this narrow entrance onto an already busy with often speeding traffic is going to be an issue.

4)    This is a piecemeal development to avoid any contributions having to be paid.


The residents object to the development on the following grounds:-


1)    As it would be out of character, would not have enough car parking, and would set a precedent.

2)    The provision for waste collection would be detrimental to No.82 by reason of noise, pest infestation and detrimental to amenity.

3)    Out of character in respect of density and tiny gardens. There are also 3 storey houses which are out of character.

4)    No sustainable drainage solution.

5)    All previous infill in the area has been limited to maximum 25 degrees to prevent upwards development.

6)    Noise pollution from the amount of traffic going down No.82.

7)    Garage for plot 7 would be inside the root protection area of the TPO Oak tree.




Other matters


Objections have been received the proposed development is a piecemeal development to avoid Section 106 contributions. To attract Section 106 contributions the development should be 10 or more dwellings. Approving this scheme in addition to the existing two dwellings which front onto Leicester Road, which have been carried out by the same applicant would equate to 9 dwellings, and therefore would not attract contributions having regard to the existing development.




Grant planning permission subject to:


That the Planning Manager, Development Management be given powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions.


Replace condition 2 with the following:


The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete     accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans: Site Location Plan, Site Plan and internal street scenes plan Dwg No.692.MP.09F received on the 9 May 2018, Plot 3 and 4 Dwg No.692.MP04 Rev A, Plot 5 Dwg No.692.MP.05, Plot 6 Dwg No.692.MP.06 and Plot 9 692.MP.08 received by the Local Planning Authority on the 14 December 2017 and Plot 7 and 8 Dwg No.692.MP.07 Rev B received by the Local Planning Authority on the 3 June 2018.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory impact of the development to accord with Policy DM1 of the adopted Site Allocations and Development  ...  view the full agenda text for item 159


Application for erection of seven dwellings, garages and associated drive (resubmission of application 17/00096/FUL).


Following a decision of “minded to refuse” at a previous meeting, members felt that there had been no change since that debate and felt that the application should be refused due to the layout and density contrary to policy DM10. It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Hodgkins and


RESOLVED – permission be refused due to being contrary to policy DM10 in terms of layout and density.

Meeting: 05/06/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 42)

42 17/01297/FUL - 84 Leicester Road, Hinckley pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Application for erection of seven dwellings, garages and associated drive (resubmission of application 17/00096/FUL).


‘Late items:’




An amended plan has been submitted for plots 7 and 8, which include the proposed single garages, to accord with the proposed layout plan. Given the minor nature of the amendments there was no need to carry out any further re-consultation.




Councillor Kirby has objected to the proposal on the following grounds:-


1)         Surrounding properties have suffered flooding from sewerage in homes and gardens from poor drainage and concerned this development would add pressure on the system

2)         Works to the drainage in the area last year, has still resulted in flooding issues to Island Close which is situated to the rear

3)         Although Highways have not objected surely another 14 plus vehicles using this narrow entrance onto an already busy with often speeding traffic is going to be an issue

4)         This is a piecemeal development to avoid any contributions having to be paid

5)         The residents object to the development on the following grounds:-

i)          As it would be out of character, would not have enough car parking, and would set a precedent

ii)         The provision for waste collection would be detrimental to No.82 by reason of noise, pest infestation and detrimental to amenity

iii)         Out of character in respect of density and tiny gardens. There are also 3 storey houses which are out of character

iv)        No sustainable drainage solution

v)         All previous infill in the area has been limited to maximum 25 degrees to prevent upwards development

vi)        Noise pollution from the amount of traffic going down No.82

vii)       Garage for plot 7 would be inside the root protection area of the TPO Oak tree




Other matters


Objections have been received which consider that the proposed development is a piecemeal development to avoid Section 106 contributions. To attract Section 106 contributions the development should be 10 or more dwellings. Approving this scheme in addition to the existing two dwellings which front onto Leicester Road, which have been carried out by the same applicant would equate to 9 dwellings, and therefore would not attract contributions having regard to the existing development.




Grant planning permission subject to:


That the Interim Head of Planning be given powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions.

Replace condition 2 with the following:


2.         The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete     accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans:           Site Location Plan, Site Plan and internal street scenes plan Dwg No.692.MP.09F received on the 9 May 2018, Plot 3 and 4 Dwg No.692.MP04 Rev A, Plot 5 Dwg No.692.MP.05, Plot 6 Dwg No.692.MP.06 and Plot 9 692.MP.08 received by the Local Planning Authority on the 14 December 2017 and Plot 7 and 8 Dwg No.692.MP.07 Rev B received by the Local Planning Authority on the 3 June 2018.


Reason: To ensure a satisfactory impact of the development to accord with Policy DM1 of the  ...  view the full agenda text for item 42


Application for erection of seven dwellings, garages and associated drive (resubmission of application 17/00096/FUL).


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that permission be granted subject to conditions, some members expressed concern about the layout and density of the proposed development. It was moved by Councillor Bill and seconded by Councillor Bray that members be minded to refuse the application. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – the committee be minded to refuse permission and the application be brought back to a future meeting.


Councillor Bray left the meeting at 8.28pm.