Issue - meetings

18/00381/FUL - 8 Trafford Road, Hinckley

Meeting: 03/07/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 79)

79 18/00381/FUL - 8 Trafford Road, Hinckley pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Application for part change of use from residential to childminding business for up to 9 children.


‘Late items:’




One further letter of objection has been received from a previous objector raising the following additional points: -


1)         Increased traffic

2)         Risk to pedestrians

3)         Restriction of garden hours

4)         Restriction on advertising signs




Noise and Impact upon Residential Amenity


Garden play is appraised in the committee report (paragraph 8.14), Environmental Health has requested that the use of the garden be conditioned to certain times. However, as the application is for a partial change of use and the residential use of the dwelling will still be retained it is considered that the addition of this condition would not be necessary and would not be enforceable, therefore it does not meet the 6 tests for conditions set out in Paragraph 206 of the NPPF and should not be applied to the application.


Impact upon highway safety


Impact of the use upon the highway has been reported within the committee report; the site provides off-street parking for 3 vehicles and the drop off and pick up times are staggered.  The potential of delays and congestion is addressed in paragraph 3.19 but any impact experienced would be time specific and would not lead to constant congestion or parking problems. The risk to pedestrians is identified in paragraph 8.21, it is considered that the risk is low.


Other Issues


Any advertisement of the business on the application site would require advertisement consent and therefore it would be dealt with via Advertisement Consent and has no bearing on the current application.


Application for part change of use from residential to childminding business for up to nine children.


It was moved by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Crooks and


RESOLVED – permission be granted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.