Issue - meetings

Complaint 2018/14

Meeting: 06/02/2019 - Ethical Governance and Personnel Committee (Item 376)

Complaint 2018/14

Fact finding report attached.

Additional documents:


The committee considered a complaint about a councillor which alleged predetermination and inappropriate lobbying. It was noted that the two witnesses who had provided evidence to support the complaint had been contacted as part of the fact finding exercise and all evidence had been taken into consideration.


The Independent Person supported the recommendation, finding that the explanation given for the actions undertaken was logical and agreeing that the councillor ceased lobbying when they realised they would be sitting on the Planning Committee.


It was suggested that the allegations made amounted to bribery which was a serious allegation and should have been reported to the police by the complainant, and also that if unfounded the subject member may wish to take legal action for defamation. The Monitoring Officer confirmed that the complainant had said they would report the matter to the police.


It was moved by Councillor Allen that the matter be referred for investigation by an independent investigator. In the absence of a seconder, the motion fell.


The meeting adjourned at 12.05pm to distribute and consider a letter that had been sent anonymously to one of the committee members. The meeting reconvened at 12.20pm and the Monitoring Officer confirmed that she had also been sent the letter and had given consideration to the contents but it did not alter her recommendation.


Councillor Camamile, seconded by Councillor Hall, moved that no further action be taken as they felt there was no clear evidence to show predetermination and that the lobbying ceased as soon as the subject member realised they would be sitting on the Planning Committee. They also felt that the alleged bribery was certainly, given the circumstances at the time, a kind gesture towards a colleague.


Councillor Allen repeated his motion that the matter be referred for an independent investigation, which was seconded by Councillor Bill.


As the first valid motion on the table, a vote was taken on Councillor Camamile’s proposal that no further action be taken. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – No further action be taken.