213 Council Tax - Local Discounts and Premiums PDF 861 KB
To seek approval for changes to the council tax discounts and premiums in operation at the council.
The Scrutiny Commission considered this matter at its meeting on 3 October. An extract from the minutes of that meeting is attached.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report which proposed changes to the council tax discounts and premiums. Members welcomed the report and gave examples of empty properties that presented issues in their wards. It was suggested that a briefing note be produced on measures to support bringing empty properties back into use. It was moved by Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Bray and
(i) The increased premium charge for long-term empty properties to 100% for 2020/21 be approved;
(ii) The maximum charge allowed under legislation where possible up to 300% for properties empty more than ten years be approved;
(iii) A briefing note be prepared on measures to bring empty properties back into use.
167 Council Tax - Local Discounts and Premiums PDF 859 KB
To seek approval for changes to the council tax discounts and premiums in operation.
Members received a report which recommended changes to council tax discounts and premiums as follows:
· An increased charge for long-term empty properties to 100%, and the maximum allowed under legislation where possible up to 300% for properties empty more than ten years
· A reduction in the major repairs discount from 50% to zero
· Removal of the one month empty property discount.
Members supported the ambition of encouraging bringing empty properties back into use and also noted the loss in New Homes Bonus as a result of a high number of empty properties. It was noted that there was still discretion for example following bereavement.
Councillor Ladkin arrived at 7.22pm.
Whilst in support of the first recommendation, members did not support the reduction of the major repairs discount or the removal of the one month empty property discount. They felt that if major work was being undertaken, this was beneficial in order to bring the property back into use and should not be discouraged and suggested it may discourage people from purchasing a property that required work.
(i) The increased premium charge for long-term empty properties be supported and RECOMMENDED to Council;
(ii) The Executive member for Finance be RECOMMENDED to reconsider recommendations 2 and 3 before bringing a report to Council.