Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Rebecca Owen, Democratic Services Officer on 01455255879 or email
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Kirby and Williams. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 84 KB To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2018. Minutes: In considering the accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting, Councillor Cartwright felt the second paragraph of the debate on minute 372(b) (motions) was not an accurate reflection as it was out of context. He also did not feel the conclusion of the debate was accurately recorded in relation to the withdrawal of the motion and amendment and felt that the constitution did not allow for a new motion to be tabled at the meeting. In response, the Monitoring Officer assured members that the constitution permitted motions arising during debate and also motions without notice to refer a matter to another body. In the absence of majority support for an amendment to the minutes, Councillor Cartwright wished his objection to be recorded.
Councillor Witherford highlighted an error in the third sentence of the second paragraph of minute 358 which should have read “(which did not uphold…)”. This error was acknowledged and it was agreed that this would be corrected.
It was moved by Councillor Allen, seconded by Councillor Bill and
RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2018 be confirmed subject to the above amendment to minute 358, and signed by the Mayor. |
Declarations of interest To receive verbally from Members any disclosures which they are required to make in accordance with the Council's code of conduct or in pursuance of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. This is in addition to the need for such disclosure to be also given when the relevant matter is reached on the Agenda. Minutes: No interests were declared at this stage. |
Mayor's Communications To receive such communications as the Mayor may decide to lay before the Council. Minutes: The Mayor reported on recent engagements and his civic service, thanking those who had attended. |
Leader of the Council's Position Statement Last week we held our first Executive meetings away from The Hub when we met in Bagworth Community Centre. The meeting was followed by 90 minutes of questions and discussions with local residents who had joined us for the meeting. As a result Members and Officers are now progressing with a number of new strands of work with the Parish Council and local community.
Members will know that Planning Committee recently approved a major industrial development south of the M69. This development will bring nearly 3,000 new jobs and boost economic growth in ours and neighbouring boroughs. With some of the site reserved for hi-tech and industrial uses we should see a good mix of job types and our employment levels should rise even further.
Along with this new development, Mira Technology Institute is due to open later this year, and with indications from other businesses of significant growth plans, and new businesses wanting to relocate to locations across the borough, Hinckley and Bosworth is rapidly becoming one of the most popular places for business. We still need to make available more facilities for business start-ups, and this is something that we are working to achieve.
Our main business on tonight’s agenda should receive members’ broad support as I will be presenting Council’s Digital and Prevention Strategies.
The Digital Strategy is probably long overdue but sets out how we, and our partner councils, will work to use technology so that our services become more accessible and even more efficient.
Our Prevention Strategy shows how we will deliver our most important, and rapidly growing services, of providing improved health and wellbeing for our Borough. There is no question that investing in prevention relieves pressure on front line services, most notably in the NHS, Police and Social Services. With the adoption of our prevention strategy this Council will be accepting its duty to play a leading role in helping residents to make better life choices so that we can all live healthier, safer, and hopefully happier and longer lives.
We also have on our agenda a motion from Councillor Bill. These are important matters which we have discussed at many meetings over the past two years, including briefings to the Planning Policy forum, Scrutiny meetings, and full Council towards the end of 2016 when we agreed to the Strategic Growth Statement and in 2017 when we agreed to the draft Growth Strategy being issued for public consultation.
Whilst I understand the reasons for Councillor Bill bringing his concerns to Council, I do not feel that he has rightly captured what this council should be doing, and I am therefore proposing an amendment to the motion. This amendment will give members the opportunity to discuss the issues raised by Councillor Bill, and proposes positive responses to be included in this Council’s full reply to the Strategic Growth Plan Consultation.
Finally, just a reminder for members that there is still time for people to nominate individuals and groups in their communities for our ... view the full agenda text for item 445. Minutes: In his position statement, the Leader made reference to the recent meeting of the Executive held at Bagworth Community Centre, industrial and economic development, the business of the meeting and the Making a Difference Awards, encouraging nominations for the latter. |
Prevention Strategy PDF 105 KB To present the council’s Prevention Strategy for approval which details the prevention work undertaken across the council. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the Prevention Strategy which detailed the prevention work undertaken across the Council. It was moved by Councillor Hall, seconded by Councillor Surtees and
(i) The prevention work carried out across the Council be acknowledged;
(ii) The Prevention Strategy 2018-21 be approved. |
Leicestershire ICT Partnership Digital Strategy PDF 91 KB To inform members of the work being done by the Leicestershire ICT Partnership and seek adoption of the partnership’s Digital Strategy. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leicestershire Districts ICT Partnership Digital Strategy was presented to Council. A member queried provision of facilities for those that don’t have access to ICT by ensuring access within the community. In response it was suggested that communities consider applying for a grant from the Parish & Community Initiative Fund.
The meaning of a ‘digital high street’ was questioned, and it was noted that Hinckley was in the top quartile for this by providing free wifi in the town centre and many of the businesses using social media.
It was requested that progress reports be provided during the course of the strategy.
It was moved by Councillor Hall, seconded by Councillor Morrell and
(i) The positive work undertaken across the partnership be noted;
(ii) The Digital Strategy be adopted;
(iii) Updates during the lifetime of the strategy be provided to members. |
Motions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 17 Motion to be proposed by Councillor Bill, seconded by Councillor Bray:
“This Council notes with concern the sheer volume of major development proposals now under consideration in Hinckley and in the surrounding areas and in particular the impact of these proposals on road congestion which clearly worsens by the day. Accordingly it resolves to state this Council’s opposition to
1. The Strategic Growth Plan where this will have an adverse impact on Hinckley & Bosworth 2. The A46 Expressway as it is clear that there has been no thought given to the likely adverse impact on the B4669 Sapcote Road entrance into Burbage and Hinckley 3. The freight depot which is proposed to be adjacent to Burbage Common.
Whilst this authority welcomes any move towards encouraging the transfer of road to rail, it questions the reasons behind this particular proposal as it will result in an unknown quantity of vehicular movements emerging onto junction 2 of the M69 which is also likely to be the starting point for the A46 Expressway. It points out that there are already insufficient controls over HGV movements across the urban area either by day or night despite the weight limits which were imposed some time ago. It expresses concern that the Jacobs Consultants report which was commissioned to examine the traffic impact of the Strategic Growth Plan fails to recognise the existing traffic congestion in the Hinckley & Burbage areas and offers no solutions.
This Council further notes that the growth agenda behind these and other development proposals are based on the assumptions of the original Housing and Economic Development report (Hedna) and resolves to seek a downward revision of the growth projections now that the full significance in terms of the accumulative impact of these and other proposals is now realised.
It therefore instructs its officers to act accordingly and in support of the parish councils who have already expressed their concerns.”
Correction to motion printed in the agenda:
Point 2 should refer to the B4669 (not 4469).
Amendment to be proposed by Councillor Hall, seconded by Councillor Allen:
This Council resolves to include the following in its response to the consultation on the Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan.
1. The proposed A5 Expressway should take priority over the delivery of the A46 Expressway, as this will go a long way to alleviate the traffic problems associated with the immediate level of development that is planned along its length. Failure to deliver on the A5 improvements could mean that some planned development cannot be achieved and could lead to the possibility of redistribution of planned growth to other areas.
2. The A46 Expressway, if delivered, should only connect to the M69 by way of a dedicated route from A46 southbound to M69 and from M69 northbound to the A46. It is not required to support growth in the Hinckley and Bosworth area and should not connect to any existing junctions of the M69.
3. The Strategic Growth Plan should be clear that industrial and ... view the full agenda text for item 448. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Bill and seconded by Councillor Bray that:
“This Council notes with concern the sheer volume of major development proposals now under consideration in Hinckley and in the surrounding areas and in particular the impact of these proposals on road congestion which clearly worsens by the day. Accordingly it resolves to state this Council’s opposition to
1. The Strategic Growth Plan where this will have an adverse impact on Hinckley & Bosworth 2. The A46 Expressway as it is clear that there has been no thought given to the likely adverse impact on the B4669 Sapcote Road entrance into Burbage and Hinckley 3. The freight depot which is proposed to be adjacent to Burbage Common.
Whilst this authority welcomes any move towards encouraging the transfer of road to rail, it questions the reasons behind this particular proposal as it will result in an unknown quantity of vehicular movements emerging onto junction 2 of the M69 which is also likely to be the starting point for the A46 Expressway. It points out that there are already insufficient controls over HGV movements across the urban area either by day or night despite the weight limits which were imposed some time ago. It expresses concern that the Jacobs Consultants report which was commissioned to examine the traffic impact of the Strategic Growth Plan fails to recognise the existing traffic congestion in the Hinckley & Burbage areas and offers no solutions.
This Council further notes that the growth agenda behind these and other development proposals are based on the assumptions of the original Housing and Economic Development report (Hedna) and resolves to seek a downward revision of the growth projections now that the full significance in terms of the accumulative impact of these and other proposals is now realised.
It therefore instructs its officers to act accordingly and in support of the parish councils who have already expressed their concerns.”
Councillor Hall referred to his amendment which was printed in the supplementary agenda, setting some context for the amendment. He stated that, whilst the strategic growth plan had been a key priority of his when taking office and that there were merits in agreeing a strategic plan, there were some key issues which needed to be considered, particularly regarding infrastructure delivery and alleviating the current problems felt by borough residents. Councillor Hall, seconded by Councillor Allen, subsequently proposed the following amendment:
“This Council resolves to include the following in its response to the consultation on the Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan:
1. The proposed A5 Expressway should take priority over the delivery of the A46 Expressway, as this will go a long way to alleviate the traffic problems associated with the immediate level of development that is planned along its length. Failure to delivery on the A5 improvements could mean that some planned development cannot be achieved and could lead to the possibility of redistribution of planned growth to other areas.
2. The A46 Expressway, if delivered, should only connect to ... view the full minutes text for item 448. |