Venue: De Montfort Suite, Hinckley Hub. View directions
Contact: Rebecca Owen, Democratic Services Manager on 01455255879 or email
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors C Allen, Boothby, Cope, Furlong and Nichols. |
Minutes of the previous meetings PDF 189 KB To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 6 and 13 September 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Cartwright and
RESOLVED – the minutes of the meetings held on 6 and 13 September be confirmed and signed by the Mayor. |
Declarations of interest To receive verbally from Members any disclosures which they are required to make in accordance with the Council's code of conduct or in pursuance of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. This is in addition to the need for such disclosure to be also given when the relevant matter is reached on the Agenda. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer provided clarification in relation to interests the community governance review for those members who were also parish councillors, advising that this did not preclude them from participation in discussion and voting on the item.
Councillor O’Shea stated that he had submitted a response to the community governance review in his role as county councillor.
Councillor Findlay declared a personal interest in the Leader’s position statement as an employee of Barclays Bank. |
Mayor's Communications To receive such communications as the Mayor may decide to lay before the Council. Minutes: The Mayor updated Council on recent events attended. |
Petitions Councillor Cartwright will present a petition with 76 signatures in respect of the 5G telecommunications mast, Ratby Road, Groby. Minutes: Councillor Cartwright submitted a petition with 76 signatures in objection to the proposed telecommunications mast on Ratby Road, Groby.
Councillor Webber-Jones entered the meeting at 6.41pm. |
Leader of the Council's Position Statement Welcome to tonight’s meeting. In my last statement I referenced the new Prime Minister that had been announced. Who would have believed we have, over the past week, had a new one. The same big challenges need addressing as I said in my last statement, including stability for the national economy and addressing the significant cost of living challenges.
Tonight’s agenda includes the new taxi licensing policy, a general fund budget update picking up on in-year pressures and the community governance review and the outcomes of recent consultation. I also look forward to debates on the motions put forward for tonight’s Council.
Cost of living
The cost of living pressures faced by our residents continues to impact on the demand for our services and officers have responded by putting together a comprehensive action plan to focus and co-ordinate our activity. I am pleased to report that officers convened a cost of living ‘money advice and wellbeing’ event in early October at the Meeting Rooms, Hinckley. This was a free drop-in event encouraging residents to come and find out about local support services in a friendly and informal setting. Residents had the opportunity to meet with a range of organisations to access information and advice in relation to household budgeting, managing debt, managing energy and fuel bills, housing costs and benefits. Over 30 key partners and stakeholders supported this event. The event also helped residents understand how to look after their mental health and wellbeing, as well as ideas for cooking on a budget with taster sessions.
The Council will be holding a further event in a rural location after Christmas and a “planning for winter” session to council house tenants is being held in November.
Warm spaces
The council is also supporting voluntary sector and church organisations who are opening up their buildings for residents to spend time in to keep warm. A warm spaces grant funding programme has been launched to support voluntary and community agencies / not for profit organisations, offering a grant of £1,200 to meet associated costs of their warm space offer such as support with energy costs, food and drink and associated activities.
National funding pressures
As the report on the agenda tonight reveals, there are significant funding pressures on local authorities as a result of the cost of living crisis and energy crisis. Leicestershire County Council recently released a press statement reporting on the significant funding pressures it is experiencing along with potential implications for its services to the public and indeed local councils, such as ours.
I hope the new Prime Minister and Chancellor recognise the incredibly important role we and all local authorities play in delivering services to our communities, which was clearly illustrated and amplified during the COVID pandemic and recovery period.
This recognition must go hand in hand with government’s commitment to our future funding and sustainability, as without it our services to our communities will be impacted at the very time they need us most.
On a brighter ... view the full agenda text for item 185. Minutes: The Leader presented his position statement which included the cost of living crisis, warm spaces initiative, national funding pressures, events, the A5 conference, healthcare in Hinckley and Barclays bank. |
Taxi Licensing Policy PDF 387 KB To seek approval of the taxi licensing policy following public consultation. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the taxi licensing policy. It was moved by Councillor Cartwright, seconded by Councillor Sheppard-Bools and
RESOLVED – the taxi licensing policy be adopted. |
General fund budget update PDF 694 KB To provide an update on material changes to the general fund budget position.
An updated appendix A is attached. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were updated on the general fund budget position. Concern was expressed about reductions in funding which had contributed to the position. Officers were thanked for their work on the budget. It was moved by Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Bray and
(i) The general fund budget changes be noted;
(ii) The potential transfers from earmarked reserves of £1,209,000 to support the general fund position in 2022/23 be approved;
(iii) The supplementary budget changes to the general fund to cover the forecast year end position as outlined in appendix A be approved.
Councillor Cook left the meeting at 7.45pm. |
Community Governance Review - final recommendations PDF 266 KB To present the final recommendations following consultation on the draft recommendations. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered the final recommendations of the Community Governance Review Working Group following the close of the consultation on the draft recommendations. In response to concerns about the absence of a recommendation to create a new parish council for Dadlington, it was noted that this could be reviewed in two years if sufficient evidence was available. The importance of ensuring a parish council would be viable and sustainable was reiterated.
It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Bill and
(i) The following be approved for the reasons contained in the report:
(a) Bagworth and Thornton parish: the overall number of seats remains the same with Bagworth ward increasing from four to five seats and Thornton ward decreasing from four to three seats;
(b) Peckleton parish: the name of the parish be amended to “Kirkby Mallory, Peckleton and Stapleton Parish” with the name of the parish council amended to “Kirkby Mallory, Peckleton and Stapleton Parish Council”;
(c) Stoke Golding parish: the number of councillors on Stoke Golding Parish Council be increased from seven to eight;
(d) Sutton Cheney parish: the name of the parish be amended to “Dadlington and Sutton Cheney Parish” with the name of the parish council amended to “Dadlington and Sutton Cheney Parish Council” and the number of councillors for Dadlington ward be increased from three to four;
(ii) The Director (Corporate and Street Scene Services) be authorised to make the necessary Orders for change.
Councillor Lay left the meeting at 8pm. |
Motions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 17 |
Motion proposed by Councillor M Mullaney, seconded by Councillor Sheppard-Bools “There are over two million employees (Family Resources Survey 2019-2020) providing unpaid care to friends and families, such as providing personal care, arranging medical and social support, and attending appointments. As the population ages and with more people staying in work longer these numbers will only increase.
1. This Council notes:
(a) The growing care crisis in our country. There are over two million employees (Family Resources Survey 2019-2020) providing unpaid care to friends and families, such as providing personal care, arranging medical and social support, and attending appointments. As the population ages and with more people staying in work longer these numbers will only increase.
(b) The pressure on people as they balance their work with caring for loved ones or friends. Carers are often required to use their own annual leave allowances to meet their caring responsibilities, risking burn out.
2. This Council believes that more action is needed to support people in work with caring responsibilities.
3. Council therefore proposes to support the Carer’s Leave Bill being brought through Parliament by Liberal Democrat Wendy Chamberlain MP which will, for the first time, create a statutory entitlement to offer unpaid leave for employees with caring responsibilities:
(a) The objective of the Bill will be to support carers to juggle work and car and for employers to maximise retention and wellbeing.
(b) It is expected to provide for up to one week’s unpaid leave per year and would provide flexibility for carers to take smaller amounts of leave from half days up to one week, making things more flexible for employees and employers. The right would be intended to apply to all employees, effectively starting from day one of employment.
(c) Eligibility for the leave would be clearly defined in the Bill, taking a broad approach to reflect the wide range of caring relationships and responsibilities.
4. Council therefore:
(a) Resolves that the Chief Executive writes to our local MPs asking them if they will support the Carer’s Leave Bill.
(b) Resolves to review its own communications and support for local advice services for carers to see if there is any further support that can be given locally.” Minutes: The following motion was proposed by Councillor M Mullaney and seconded by Councillor Sheppard-Bools:
“There are over two million employees (family resources survey 2019-2020) providing unpaid care to friends and families, such as providing personal care, arranging medical and social support, and attending appointments. As the population ages and with more people staying in work longer these numbers will only increase.
1. This Council notes:
(a) The growing care crisis in our country. There are over two million employees (family resources survey 2019-2020) providing unpaid care, arranging medical and social support and attending appointments. As the population ages and with more people staying in work longer these numbers will only increase.
(b) The pressure on people as they balance their work with caring for loved ones or friends. Carers are often required to use their own annual leave allowances to meet their caring responsibilities, risking burn out.
2. This Council believes that more action is needed to support people in work with caring responsibilities.
3. Council therefore proposes to support the Carer’s Leave Bill being brought through parliament by Liberal Democrat Wendy Chamberlain MP which will, for the first time, create a statutory entitlement to offer unpaid leave for employees with caring responsibilities:
(a) The objective of the Bill will be to support carers to juggle work and care and for employers to maximise retention and wellbeing;
(b) It is expected to provide for up to one week’s unpaid leave per year and would provide flexibility for carers to take smaller amounts of leave from half days up to one week, making things more flexible for employees and employers. The right would be intended to apply to all employees, effectively starting from day one of employment;
(c) Eligibility for the leave would be clearly defined in the Bill, taking a broad approach to reflect the wide range of caring relationships and responsibilities.
4. Council therefore:
(a) Resolves that the Chief Executive writes to our local MPs asking them if they will support the Carer’s Leave Bill;
(b) Resolves to review its own communications and support for local advice services for carers to see if there is any further support that can be given locally.”
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED and it was
(i) The Chief Executive writes to the local MPs asking them if they will support the Carer’s Leave Bill;
(ii) Council communications and support for local advice services for carers be reviewed. |
Motion proposed by Councillor R Allen, seconded by Councillor Roberts “Recognising the significant backlog in planning applications awaiting decision by this council, this motion proposes that Council adopts a three week planning committee rota until such time as all applications are being determined within the appropriate timescales.” Minutes: The following motion was proposed by Councillor R Allen and seconded by Councillor Roberts:
“Recognising the significant backlog in planning applications awaiting decision by this council, this motion proposes that Council adopts a three-week planning committee rota until such time as all applications are being determined within the appropriate timescales.”
During discussion points were raised in relation to difficulty in recruitment and retention, problems with the planning system nationally and the improvements since the current Planning Manager had been in post. It was explained that there was not a backlog in applications awaiting decision by committee which would justify moving to a three weekly meeting cycle, but in other parts of the process including awaiting consultee responses. It was also noted that if the need should arise it was already possible to schedule additional meetings.
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was LOST. |