Agenda and minutes

Budget meeting, Council - Thursday, 22 February 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: De Montfort Suite, Hinckley Hub. View directions

Contact: Rebecca Owen, Democratic Services Manager on 01455255879 or email 

Note: See media below to watch meeting via Youtube 


No. Item




Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors C Allen, Boothby and Glenville.


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 302 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2024.


It was moved by Councillor Bools, seconded by Councillor Bray and


RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January be confirmed as a correct record.


Declarations of interest

To receive verbally from Members any disclosures which they are required to make in accordance with the Council's code of conduct or in pursuance of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. This is in addition to the need for such disclosure to be also given when the relevant matter is reached on the Agenda.


Councillors Smith and Stead-Davis declared a personal interest in item 11c as council tenants.


Mayor's Communications

To receive such communications as the Mayor may decide to lay before the Council.


The Mayor presented long service awards to two members of staff who had served the borough for 25 years and 44 years respectively. He then spoke about recent events attended.


Leader of the Council's Position Statement

Welcome to our annual budget Council which will consider a range of key reports on setting the council budget for 2024/25.


We continue to operate in significantly challenging times financially. You will all have seen some of the recent headlines about some councils who have either declared bankruptcy or are on the brink, having served S114 notices to the Government. As I said in my last statement to Council, despite repeated promises for over a decade, the Government has failed to deliver on the fair funding it promised. To illustrate the impact, Leicestershire currently sits at a position of fourth lowest in terms of core funding for 2024/25, against all 21 county councils. This Council currently sits third lowest of all 164 district councils nationally and is therefore one of the worst off councils in terms of core funding support from government measured in pounds per dwelling. In fact, we have seen an overall reduction of 60% of core funding contribution from the Government over the past 10 years.


We can debate the implications of this in our consideration of the reports on the agenda tonight.


Some other brief updates.


50 Year Anniversary


Work is progressing on celebrations for the Council’s fifty year anniversary to be marked with a series of key events. Our first key event will be our Party in the Park at Hollycroft Park in May. I am pleased to report the programme schedule for this event and for commemorative events for the rest of the year is filling up fast. Look out for further updates via the council’s website over the coming months.


Ratby Emergency Incident


I would like to express my thanks to all residents of Ratby and nearby Kirby Muxloe for the way they pulled together after the village was left without gas, following the burst water main only a few weeks ago. Those affected were suddenly left with no gas supply during a cold snap, with many also left with limited or no water and electricity for a short period of time.


The ordeal was triggered by a burst Severn Trent water main, with the water leaking into gas pipes overnight.


To support villagers, borough council staff worked round-the-clock with many other agencies, including Leicestershire County Council, Blaby District Council, Leicestershire Search and Rescue, Leicestershire & Rutland 4x4 Response, the Red Cross, Leicestershire Police, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue and the Salvation Army.


Many local councillors and village volunteers also worked incredibly hard as Cadent provided a heroic effort to restore the gas supply whilst at the same time providing heaters, hot plates, heated blankets and more for all residents.


Throughout the ordeal, the teams knocked on the doors or called every home in Ratby including those of more than 500 vulnerable people to check everyone had what they needed to stay warm and safe in their homes.


A number of help centres were also set up in Ratby and Kirby Muxloe to offer support, as well as a number of ‘Warm Spaces’ which opened  ...  view the full agenda text for item 279.


In his position statement, the leader referred to the challenging financial situation, the fifty year anniversary of the council, the emergency incident in Ratby, the vigil to mark the anniversary of the start of the Ukraine war, green space volunteers, neighbourhood plans, the TeenTech festival and lobbying for A5 investment.


Minutes of the Scrutiny Commission pdf icon PDF 179 KB

To receive for information only the minutes of the Scrutiny Commission meeting held on 1 February 2024.


The minutes of the joint budget meeting of the Scrutiny Commission and Finance & Performance Scrutiny held on 1 February were received for information.


Pay policy statement 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 547 KB

To seek approval of the HBBC pay policy statement for 2024/25.

Additional documents:


The proposed pay policy statement for 2024/25 was presented to Council. It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Pendlebury and




(i)            The continued positive reduction in the pay gap between the top and median average earner to 4.26:1 (from 4.82:1 the previous year) be noted;


(ii)          The positive reduction in the gender pay gap to 3.1% on 31 March 2023 (from 3.3% on 31 March 2022) be noted;


(iii)         The pay policy statement for 2024/25 be approved.


Budget reports

The budget reports were considered by a joint meeting of the Scrutiny Commission and Finance & Performance Scrutiny on 1 February. The minutes are attached at item 9.


Consideration was given to the general fund budget 2024/25, the calculation of council tax for 2024/25, the housing revenue account budget 2024/25, fees & charges for 2024/25, the capital programme and the treasury management strategy and prudential indicators. The finance team was thanked for its work on the budget and all staff were thanked for their continued hard work.


During discussion, questions were asked in relation to the crematorium, reserves, business rate liability, the green waste collection service, homelessness and dog fouling fines.


It was moved by Councillor Lynch and seconded by Councillor Bray that the budget reports be approved.


General fund budget 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 699 KB


In accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, voting on this motion was recorded.


Councillors Bools, Bray, Cartwright, Cope, J Crooks, W Crooks, Flemming, C Gibbens, S Gibbens, Green, Hodgkins, Hollick, Lambert, Lynch, Moore, L Mullaney, M Mullaney, Pendlebury, Stead-Davis, Walker, Webber-Jones, Weightman and Williams voted FOR the motion (23);


Councillors R Allen, Cook, Harris, O’Shea, Simmons, Smith, Surtees and Sutton voted AGAINST the motion (8).


The motion was therefore declared CARRIED and it was




(i)            The general fund budget for 2023/24 and 2024/25 be approved;


(ii)          The special expenses area budget for 2023/24 and 2024/25 be approved;


(iii)         The proposed movement in general fund balances and earmarked reserves for 2023/24 and 2024/25 be approved;


(iv)         A council plan of action be established as part of an updated medium term financial strategy to address the growing pressure on the budget, expected for 2025/26 of £1m - £1.5m.


Calculation of council tax for 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 458 KB

Amended appendix due to the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Combined Fire Authority precept being reduced by £1 since publication of the agenda.

Additional documents:


In accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, voting on this motion was recorded.


Councillors Bools, Bray, Cartwright, Cope, J Crooks, W Crooks, Flemming, C Gibbens, S Gibbens, Green, Hodgkins, Hollick, Lambert, Lynch, Moore, L Mullaney, M Mullaney, Pendlebury, Stead-Davis, Walker, Webber-Jones, Weightman and Williams voted FOR the motion (23);


Councillors R Allen, Cook, Harris, O’Shea, Simmons, Smith, Surtees and Sutton voted AGAINST the motion (8).


The motion was therefore declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992, the following be approved for 2024/25:


(i)            £65,032,814 being the aggregate of the amounts which the council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act (gross expenditure on general fund services, special district expenses and parish precepts);


(ii)          £56,095,425 being the aggregate of the amounts which the council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act (gross income including external financing and the use of reserves);


(iii)         £8,937,389 being the amount by which the aggregate at (i) above exceeds the aggregate at (ii) above calculated by the council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act as its council tax requirement for the year (amount to be funded from council tax including special expenses and parish precepts);


(iv)         £154.87 being the amount calculated by the council, in accordance with Section 31(B) of the Act as the basic amount of its council tax for the year (average local council tax not including parish precepts);


(v)          A band D council tax for borough wide services, excluding special expenses and parish council precepts of £135.50;


(vi)         An average band D council tax relating to borough wide services and an average of special expenses and parish council services of £224.63;


(vii)        Appendix B to the report being the council tax for the HBBC district divided by the tax base, including amounts for the Leicestershire County Council, the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire, and Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Combined Fire Authority, and for each area and valuation (council tax band charges for each parish and special expenses area).


Housing revenue account budget 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 436 KB

Additional documents:




(i)            The rent policy for 2024/25 be approved;


(ii)          The revised housing revenue and housing repairs account budgets for 2023/24 be approved;


(iii)         The housing revenue and housing repairs account budgets for 2024/25 be approved;


(iv)         The proposed movement in reserves be approved.


Fees & charges 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 415 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – the fees and charges book for 2024/25 be approved.


Capital programme pdf icon PDF 665 KB

Additional documents:




(i)            The capital strategy be approved;


(ii)          The proposed capital programme for 2023/24 to 2026/27 be approved;


(iii)         The growth bids details in the report be approved.


Treasury management and prudential indicators pdf icon PDF 546 KB

Additional documents:




(i)            The prudential indicators and limits for 2023/24 to 2026/27, including the authorised limit prudential indicator, be approved;


(ii)          The minimum revenue provision statement be approved;


(iii)         The treasury management strategy be approved.