Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Commission - Thursday, 8 December 2011 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber. View directions

Contact: Rebecca Owen, Democratic Services Officer on 01455255879 or email 

No. Item


Apologies and substitutions


Apologies for absence were received from Mr K Morrell and Mrs S Sprason, with the substitution of Mr Allen for Mr Morrell and Mr Moore for Mrs Sprason authorised in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 4.1.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 34 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 27 October 2011.


On the motion of Mr Moore, seconded by Mr Hall it was


                        RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 27 October be confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


Minutes of the Council Services Select Committee pdf icon PDF 24 KB

At the request of the Finance, Audit & Performance Committee, the minutes of the Council Services Select Committee held on 28 April 2011 are presented to the Commission for approval due to the Committee no longer being in existence to sign off the minutes.


On the motion of Mrs Hall, seconded by Mr Lay, it was


                        RESOLVED – the minutes of the Council Services Select Committee meeting on 28 April 2011 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman of the Scrutiny Commission.


Additional urgent business by reason of special circumstances

To be advised of any additional items of business which the Chairman decides by reason of special circumstances shall be taken as matters of urgency at this meeting.


Members were informed that the extraordinary meeting of the Commission scheduled for 15 December had been cancelled due to the developers not being ready to provide the presentation. It was expected that the presentation would be ready in January. Discussion ensued regarding the Barwell & Earl Shilton Scrutiny Group, and it was agreed that this would also be discussed in January.


Declarations of interest

To receive verbally from members any disclosures which they are required to make in accordance with the Council's code of conduct or in pursuance of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.  This is in addition to the need for such disclosure to be also given when the relevant matter is reached on the agenda.


No interests were declared at this stage.


Green Wedge Review pdf icon PDF 290 KB

Report produced at request of Commission.

Additional documents:


Members received a report which sought initial views on the Green Wedge Review before being considered by Council. An addendum was circulated following comments by the Executive and individual members.


Concern was expressed that planning policy comments on the Green Wedge were used in a recent planning appeal before the Review had been considered by Members, and that they had been used negatively by Developers. In addition Members also raised concern that the report did not contain detail on Burbage Common. In response it was noted that Burbage Common was included in the Hinckley / Barwell / Earl Shilton / Burbage designated Green Wedge. With regard to other potential sites for inclusion as Green Wedge designation this would be the subject of a separate report. Members wished to reiterate that the Burbage area of green wedge was a priority for the Hinckley & Burbage area and should be protected. It was requested that this be included in the document.


A Member asked why the methodology for reviewing the green wedge had been prepared in 2009 but had only just been put before Members. In response it was agreed that the Member would receive an answer outside of the meeting, and if not satisfied with the response the matter would be put on the agenda for the next meeting of the Commission.


                        RESOLVED –


(i)         Burbage Common be highlighted as being included in the document;


(ii)        the study be endorsed and RECOMMENDED to Council for approval.


Affordable housing delivery options pdf icon PDF 64 KB

This report is provided at the request of the Scrutiny Commission following discussions on future affordable housing options.


A maximum of 20 minutes has been allocated for this item.


The Commission received a report which informed Members of the alternative ways of increasing the supply of affordable housing in the Borough and potential opportunities for the Local Authority to increase its stock. This information had been requested at a previous meeting.


During discussion, points were raised regarding targeting empty homes and the possibility of an empty homes programme; the use of commuted sums in increasing affordable housing; the problem of developers agreeing to provide 40% affordable housing and then applying for a variation of the Section 106 Agreement on grounds of viability; and the need to use new terminology to promote affordable housing, ie ‘Starter Homes’.


Members expressed the desire to negotiate with developers for the Authority to take ownership of a percentage of property.


A proposal to develop an Implementation Strategy for alternative approaches to delivering affordable homes was supported.


Fuel Poverty Review pdf icon PDF 62 KB

To receive data and background information regarding fuel poverty to assist in progressing the scrutiny review and to prepare for the interviewing of witnesses.


A maximum of 20 minutes has been allocated to this item.

Additional documents:


In order to progress the Scrutiny Commission’s review of Fuel Poverty, they received a report which provided information on the national and local position regarding fuel poverty and the obligations on energy suppliers to reduce fuel poverty, along with a suggested timetable for the review. The complexity of tariffs was highlighted as a problem and it was noted that energy providers provided special tariffs or discounts for those in fuel poverty.


It was reported that Hi4EM had been requested to undertake some research into fuel poverty specifically in Hinckley & Bosworth, and this report should soon be ready. In addition, Mosaic was being used to map areas of poverty. This data would then make it possible to target those likely to be in fuel poverty and to run campaigns to educate them and raise awareness of help available from third parties. It was RECOMMENDED that officers also use this data to target households.


It was agreed that six energy companies would be invited to the Commission to discuss how we could work together to tackle fuel poverty. Questions to the companies, should they agree to attend, would be around assessing customers’ needs; factoring in the ‘Green deal’ scheme; the number of pre-payment meters in use; the reason for the complexity of tariffs; and the number of customers who have had energy cut off due to non-payment.


                        RESOLVED –


(i)         the timetable for the review be agreed and energy providers be invited to the next meeting of the Commission;


(ii)        Officers be requested to use the Hi4em and Mosaic data to target households in fuel poverty.


Scrutiny Review: Care for people suffering from Dementia pdf icon PDF 20 KB

To scope the scrutiny review of care for people suffering from Dementia. A timetable for the review is appended for approval.


A maximum of 10 minutes has been allocated for this item.


In order to commence the second Scrutiny Review of the year, Members received a proposed timetable for the review into care for people suffering from dementia. It was reported that the meeting on 19 January would provide information to assist Members in understanding the definition of dementia. The increasing number of people under 50 suffering from dementia was raised.


                        RESOLVED – the timetable be agreed.


RSL Recommendations update pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Tracking of previous recommendations arising from the review of Registered Social Landlords.


A maximum of 10 minutes has been allocated for this item.


Following the Scrutiny review of Registered Social Landlords which had concluded the previous year, the Commission was presented with a report which provided a progress update. In particular it was reported that communications with the RSLs had improved and that Orbit had been very proactive in supporting the Neighbourhood Action Teams, the Community Houses and the Credit Union. It was also noted that the partnership board with Orbit Housing was proving successful.


Members raised concerns that communication between the RSLs and themselves was still no better, and it was agreed that this would be taken up with RSLs again. Officers also suggested that RSLs should be asked about their contribution to alleviate fuel poverty.


Mr Batty left the meeting at this juncture.



To receive a report which provides an update on progress within the restructured voluntary and community sector in Leicestershire.


A maximum of 10 minutes has been allocated to this item.

Additional documents:


Following a presentation by Voluntary Action Leicestershire (VAL) at the previous meeting, Members were provided with an update on the progress and impact of the delivery of voluntary and community sector infrastructure support services following the revision of arrangements for Hinckley and Bosworth in April 2011.


It was reported that VAL was working increasingly with the authority and actions had been agreed, including that VAL officers develop a greater presence in the community, in both rural and urban areas. Other actions which would be more difficult to achieve were noted, including reaching groups of which we were not currently aware.


Members looked forward to receiving further progress updates when available.


New Homes Bonus pdf icon PDF 43 KB

This reported is presented at the request of the Commission, before going to Council in December.


A maximum of 30 minutes has been allocated for this item.

Additional documents:


Members received a report which detailed the results of the consultation exercise in relation to the New Homes Bonus (NHB) and the allocation of funds. Whilst Members generally accepted the information in the report, they had concerns regarding the mechanism. It was also noted that the funding received by the Council under this scheme, before further distribution, would be significantly less than the previous central government funding streams, which would no longer be available.


Credit Union Update pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To provide an update on the Credit Union and success of the project.


A maximum of 10 minutes has been allocated for this item.


Members received a progress report regarding the local credit union provision since its creation in March 2010. It was reported that more volunteers and Member Champions were needed, and Members agreed that they would welcome another session on this.


Members wished to thank all volunteers for their hard work.


Scrutiny Commission Work Programme 2011-12 pdf icon PDF 156 KB

Work programme attached.


                        RESOLVED – the work programme be noted.


Forward Plan of Executive and Council decisions pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Copy of the draft Forward Plan for January to April 2012 attached.


                        RESOLVED – the Forward Plan be noted.


Matters from which the public may be excluded

To consider the passing of a resolution under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 excluding the public from the undermentioned item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 10 of Schedule 12A of the 1972 Act.


On the motion of Mr Nichols, seconded by Mr Ladkin, it was


RESOLVED – in accordance with Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the remaining item of business on the grounds that it involves the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 10 of Part I of Schedule 12A of that Act.


Alternative depot options

Report of future options for siting of depot.


Members received a report which advised them of the options available for relocation of the depot.


At this juncture, having reached 9.30pm, it was moved by Mr Lay, seconded by Mr Nichols and


RESOLVED – the meeting be permitted to continue in order to consider the remaining business.


It was reported that whilst the new site would be smaller, it would make more efficient and effective use of space. The report would be presented for approval to Council on 20 December 2011


                        RESOLVED – the recommendations contained within the report be supported.