Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Commission - Thursday, 14 March 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: De Montfort Suite, Hinckley Hub. View directions

Contact: Rebecca Owen  Democratic Services Manager Email:

Note: See media to watch meeting via Youtube 


No. Item


Apologies and substitutions


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Cope and Weightman, with the substitution of Councillor Stead-Davis for Councillor Weightman authorised in accordance with council procedure rule 10.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 179 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 1 February 2024.


It was moved by Councillor Crooks, seconded by Councillor Harris and


RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 1 February be confirmed as a correct record.


Declarations of interest

To receive verbally from members any disclosures which they are required to make in accordance with the Council's code of conduct or in pursuance of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.  This is in addition to the need for such disclosure to be also given when the relevant matter is reached on the agenda.


No interests were declared.


Scrutiny Commission Work Programme pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Work programme attached.


Members received the work programme. It was agreed that consideration would be given to bringing forward the review of bus services.


Voluntary and community sector partnership update and commissioning outcomes 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 377 KB

To provide an update on key achievements arising from the borough’s voluntary & community sector (VCS) partnership arrangements and to report on outcomes of the VCS commissioning programme for April 2022 to March 2023.

Additional documents:


An update on the key achievements arising from the voluntary and community sector (VCS) partnership arrangements was provided. A representative of Hinckley Tennis Club, which had provided free tennis sessions for Ukrainian refugees, was in attendance to speak about the valuable work they had been able to carry out as a result of receiving the grant and working with the council.


The warm spaces funding was also discussed and it was noted that learning from what worked well was used to inform the project.


RESOLVED – the positive impact, outcomes and contribution of the voluntary and community sector and the direct commissioning of frontline service provision be noted.


Cost of living update pdf icon PDF 481 KB

To provide an update on the work undertaken by the council in response to the cost of living crisis.


The Scrutiny Commission was updated on work undertaken in respect of the cost of living crisis and support for those experiencing financial hardship. During discussion, reference was made to:


·         Warm welcome sessions

·         The increase in homelessness

·         Pressure on discretionary housing payments

·         The intention to increase work on food poverty

·         The increase in community kitchens funded by Cadent.


Officers were thanked for their work to support residents.


RESOLVED – the work undertaken and the increase in demand on services due to the cost of living crisis be noted.


Safe spaces project

To provide a verbal update on the project.


Members were provided with an update on the safe spaces (previously entitled hoarding) project which was currently being evaluated. The good work and number of people supported was highlighted and testimonials were provided. Disappointment was expressed that the funding for the project was temporary but officers stated they were looking at ways of continuing the work.


Adoption of new developments - Scrutiny review pdf icon PDF 380 KB

To seek approval of the scope and approach to the review.


Members considered the scope for the review of adoption of new developments. It was suggested that specific reference should be made in the scope to interaction with parish councils. It was moved by Councillor Williams, seconded by Councillor Crooks and




(i)            The review covers:


a.    Adoption of sustainable drainage systems and balancing ponds

b.    Open space management companies

c.    Adoption of roads

d.    Maintenance of public open space

e.    How to interact with parish councils in relation to the above points including providing learning and a route to transferring sites to them.


(ii)          A task & finish group be set up with the balance proposed in the report.


Scrutiny review: utility companies pdf icon PDF 363 KB

To update members on the plans for actioning the motion to Council on 30 January.


Consideration was given to the scope of a review into preparedness of the utility companies for future growth. A member asked whether high speed broadband could be added to the list of areas to be considered, and it was agreed that it would be more appropriate to add this to the work programme as a separate issue.


RESOLVED – representatives of Cadent Gas, National Grid and Severn Trent Water be invited to a future meeting of the Scrutiny Commission.