Venue: Committee Room 2, Council Offices, Argents Mead
Contact: Rebecca Owen, Democratic Services Officer on 01455255879 or email
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES AND SUBSTITUTIONS Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Mr K Lynch and Miss D Taylor. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2012 attached. Minutes: It was moved by Mr Bray, seconded by Mr Cope and
RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2012 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minutes: No interest were declared at this stage. |
WEST HINCKLEY AREA NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH SCHEME Report of Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction) attached. Additional documents: Minutes: A representative from the Neighbourhood Watch scheme gave a brief update on the work carried out during the last year. It was suggested that provision of a list of council owned industrial units would be useful the Neighbourhood Watch Development Officer and officers agreed to supply this.
Discussion was undertaken as to the purchase of a mobile speed warning sign. It was reported that these can be purchased from Leicestershire County Council. The Committee was in agreement that this would be a worthwhile use of resources and the group accountant confirmed that funds were available.
On the motion of Mrs Witherford, seconded by Mr Bray and
(i) the purchase of a mobile speed warning sign be made after consultation with the group accountant and the Chief Officer for Housing, Community Safety and Partnerships; and
(ii) the report be noted.
HINCKLEY (SPECIAL EXPENSES) AREA REVENUES AND CAPITAL OUTTURN 2011/12 Report of Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction) attached. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were presented with a report on the revenue and capital outturn for the Hinckley (Special Expenses) area.
On the motion of Mr Cope, seconded by Mr Bray it was
RESOLVED – the report be noted. |