Venue: De Montfort Suite, Hinckley Hub. View directions
Contact: Rebecca Owen, Democratic Services Officer on 01455255879 or email
No. | Item |
Apologies and substitutions Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Bannister, Bill and Taylor. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 21 KB To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2014. Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Cope, seconded by Councillor Witherford and
RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2014 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of interest To receive verbally from Members any disclosures which they are required to make in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct or in pursuance of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. This is in addition to the need for such disclosure to be also given when the relevant matter is reached on the agenda. Minutes: No interests were declared at this stage. |
Green Space Delivery Plan PDF 69 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction). Additional documents:
Minutes: Members were provided with the updated Green Space Delivery Plan which had been amended following comments of the Scrutiny Commission. It was moved by Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Cope and
(i) the Green Space Delivery Plan be endorsed and RECOMMENDED to Council;
(ii) the Hinckley capital schemes to the value of £697,688 over the term of the plan be agreed;
(iii) the revenue schemes and additional maintenance costs be noted;
(iv) funding changes identified in section 4.4 be agreed and the impact on the Special Expenses reserved be noted;
(v) the implementation of the delivery of the plan be delegated to the Head of Street Scene Services in conjunction with the relevant Executive member. |
Hinckley Community Fund PDF 40 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Community Direction). Minutes: Following a discussion at the previous meeting, the Committee was presented with proposals for a Hinckley Community Fund. During discussion, the following points were raised:
It was agreed that Councillor Bray would be the lead member for delivery of this scheme and that the scheme would commence this year with the first round of applications due in November 2014. It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Lynch and
(i) the creation of a Hinckley Community Initiative Fund of £20,000 per year be supported, to commence in 2014/15;
(ii) the financial implications be noted;
(iii) the development and delivery of the scheme be delegated to the Head of Street Scene Services in conjunction with the Chairman of the Hinckley Area Committee. |
Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction). Minutes: The 2013/14 revenue and capital outturn for the special expenses area was presented to the committee. An underspend of £20,000 was reported, which was mostly due to salary savings, and there were minor amounts to be carried forward for works in cemeteries and parks. With regard to the New Homes Bonus, members were reminded that the special expenses area received a share in the same way that parish councils did, so the committee would be updated on the position regarding receipt of it when known.
Members expressed concern that there should be ten percent left in the balances without anticipating receipt of the New Homes Bonus.
It was moved by Councillor Bray, seconded by Councillor Lynch and
(i) the draft outturn for 2013/14 for the Hinckley (special expenses) area accounts be noted;
(ii) the proposed revenue carry forwards outlined in the report be approved. |