Venue: Virtual meeting. View directions
Contact: Rebecca Owen, Democratic Services Manager on 01455 255879 or email
No. | Item |
Apologies and substitutions Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Allen, Hodgkins and Hollick, with the following substitutions authorised in accordance with council procedure rule 10:
Councillor Boothby for Councillor Allen Councillor Pendlebury for Councillor Hollick Councillor Sheppard-Bools for Councillor Hodgkins. |
Minutes of previous meeting PDF 118 KB To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Cartwright, seconded by Councillor Bill and
RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2020 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Declarations of interest To receive verbally from members any disclosures which they are required to make in accordance with the Council’s code of conduct or in pursuance of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. This is in addition to the need for such disclosure to be also given when the relevant matter is reached on the agenda. Minutes: Councillor Cartwright stated that he had been advised by a third party that he should declare a personal interest in item 13, and whilst he did not believe he had an interest or bias he declared that he would leave the meeting for that item. |
Statutory Safety Committee minutes PDF 220 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 2 September 2020. Minutes: Members received the minutes of the Statutory Safety Committee. In response to questions from members, it was reported that guidelines in relation to staff working in the offices were under continuous review and home working risk assessments were being undertaken. |
Health & Safety Management System and Policy PDF 567 KB To receive the revised Health, Safety and Welfare Management System and Policy. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report which sought approval of the revised Health, Safety and Welfare Management System and Policy. During discussion, the following points were made:
· The report policy included responsibility for the health and safety of contractors · Performance indicators were periodically reported to the Strategic Leadership Team and the Statutory Safety Committee · It was mandatory for refuse and recycling collectors to wear gloves as part of their PPE and a reminder would be sent out to staff.
Members felt it would be helpful to receive an annual health and safety performance report to this committee.
It was moved by Councillor Cartwright, seconded by Councillor Pendlebury and
(i) The revised Health, Safety and Welfare Management System be approved;
(ii) The revised Health, Safety and Welfare Policy and statement be approved;
(iii) An annual health and safety performance report be brought to the Ethical Governance & Personnel Committee. |
Corporate Complaints 2019-20 PDF 405 KB To inform members of complaints received under the formal complaints process during 2019-20. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members received the annual report in relation to corporate complaints. It was moved by Councillor O’Shea, seconded by Councillor Furlong and
(i) The report be endorsed;
(ii) The reduction in the number of complaints be noted;
(iii) It be noted that there was no fault found by the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman for any complaint during 2019/20. |
Complaints update To update members on outstanding code of conduct complaints. Minutes: It was noted that whilst there was no outstanding business for the committee, there were some code of conduct complaints in their early stages which may progress to the committee. |
Dates of future meetings Dates of future meetings are recommended for approval as follows:
25 November 2020 20 January 2021 17 March 2021 12 May 2021 7 July 2021 1 September 2021 27 October 2021. Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Webber-Jones, seconded by Councillor Bill and
RESOLVED – dates of future meetings be approved as follows:
25 November 2020 20 January 2021 17 March 2021 12 May 2021 7 July 2021 1 September 2021 27 October 2021. |
Matters from which the public may be excluded To consider the passing of a resolution under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 excluding the public from the undermentioned item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 10 of Schedule 12A of the 1972 Act. Minutes: On the motion of Councillor Webber-Jones seconded by Councillor Sheppard-Bools, it was
RESOLVED – in accordance with section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2 and 10 of Part I of Schedule 12A of that Act. |
Overview of complaint 2018/14 In response to a request at a previous meeting, to consider the process followed in dealing with a previous complaint. Minutes: Councillor Boothby entered the meeting at 7.07pm.
In response to a request at a previous meeting, members received an overview of the handling of complaint 2018/14. A member suggested that the new code of conduct could provide better guidance on when to take part in a meeting if a member had taken part in lobbying. In relation to revising the procedure for code of conduct complaints, it was suggested that the chairman and Monitoring Officer should discuss and bring a report to a future meeting.
It was moved by Councillor Furlong, seconded by Councillor Sheppard-Bools and
(i) The report be noted;
(ii) A report reviewing the procedure be brought to a future meeting following discussion between the chairman and Monitoring Officer. |
Complaint 2020-09 Fact finding report attached. Minutes: Councillor Cartwright left the meeting at this juncture.
Members received a fact finding report in relation to complaint 2020/09. Members were concerned that the report had come to the committee given that it was in relation to an election pledge and in response the Monitoring Officer explained that under the current procedures she did not have discretion to make a decision without bringing the matter to committee, and there was no other course of action available.
It was moved by Councillor Bill, seconded by Councillor Furlong and
RESOLVED – no further action be taken in relation to the complaint. |