Venue: De Montfort Suite, Hinckley Hub. View directions
Contact: Rebecca Valentine-Wilkinson, Democratic Services Officer, tel 01455 255834
No. | Item |
Apologies and substitutions Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Cope, Glenville and Sutton, with the following substitutions authorised in accordance with council procedure rule 10:
Councillor Simmons for Councillor Sutton. |
Minutes of previous meeting To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 December 2023. Minutes: A member identified that the word fee was missing from paragraph 223, this should now read:
- The leisure centre was exploring installation of solar panels and their management fee may be reduced to support this expenditure.
It was moved by Councillor Williams, seconded by Councillor Stead-Davies and
RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 18 December 2023 be confirmed subject to the above mentioned amendment. |
Declarations of interest To receive verbally from members any disclosures which they are required to make in accordance with the Council’s code of conduct or in pursuance of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. This is in addition to the need for such disclosure to be also given when the relevant matter is reached on the agenda. Minutes: There were no interests declared at this meeting. |
Front line Service Review: Street Scene Services To report on the performance of Street Scene Services. Minutes: Members were updated on the street scene activity for the financial year 2023/2024 to date, which included waste management, green spaces, clean neighbourhoods and car parks.
In response to questions from members around food and trade waste collections, electric vehicles, garden waste and car park income, it was confirmed that:
· Separate weekly food waste collections for all households would need to be in place by 31 March 2026 and equipment required for this collection would be a small caddy for indoors and a large container with a lockable top for outside · 5 electric vehicles were included in the new electric fleet and included within this was one corsa, two housing repair vans that were being charged at home, and cage tippers for the Clean Neighbourhoods Team. It was also confirmed that all of these vehicles were now operating well without issue · Although participation in the garden waste service remained high, the income collected did not fully cover the cost of the service. An estimated additional income of £180,000 was expected whilst the overall loss was £250,000 · Trade waste collections were forecasted to generate £590,000 income and this service generated a profit for the council · An operational review within the department had been undertaken to achieve efficiencies where possible and this was still work in progress. · Car park income had increased as a result of more occupancy as people had returned to the high street.
Members noted the report. |
Performance & Risk Management Framework 3rd quarter summary 2023/24 To provide members with the 2023/24 3rd quarter summary for performance indicators, service improvement plans, corporate risks and service area risks Minutes: Members were provided with the third quarter summary for 2023/24 for performance indicators, service improvement plans, corporate risks and service area risks.
In response to a question from members around the performance indicators for absence related work stress that was currently performing better than target, officers confirmed that they could break down this figure to work and non-related work stress issues for future reports to enable further discussions. Officers also confirmed that the council had a comprehensive employee assistance programme which was a useful tool to keep people in the workplace in place in addition to promoting health and well-being across the authority.
In response to a further question from members around the loss of rent due to void turnarounds, officers agreed to provide the average number of housing void properties outside of the meeting.
Members noted the report. |
Treasury Management Quarter 3 To inform members of the council’s treasury management activity in the third quarter of 2023/24 Minutes: Members were presented with the council’s treasury management activity in the third quarter of 2023/24.
In response to a question from members around the economic background and the quarter that ended 31 December 2023 that saw a sharp fall in wage growth in September and October to 7.2%. Officers confirmed that the Office for National Statistics (ONS) had used the “experimental rate” of unemployment at that time that had remained at a low 4.2% and agreed to insert the ONS definition of the “experimental rate” to give clarity in the next quarterly report.
Members noted the report. |
Financial outturn quarter 3 To report to members the financial outturn position as at December 2023 Additional documents: Minutes: Members were presented with the financial outturn position as at December 2023.
In response to a question from members around the major service variations and the £60k outturn variance for Economic Development for the spend related to the Hinckley Rail Freight project, officers confirmed that they didn’t have the necessary details to hand as to whether the total amount had come directly or was from the applicant and agreed to come back to members with further details.
In response to a question from members around the major service variation for Development Control/Planning and the increase in planning application fees, it was confirmed that the increase in total had been around £75,000.
In response to a question from members about the crematorium it was confirmed that the crematorium was a general fund project and therefore all costs related to this would come from the general fund budget.
Members noted the report. |
Sundry Debts Quarter 3 To inform members of the position on sundry debts as at 31 December 2023. Minutes: Members were informed on the current aged debt position as at 31 December 2023.
In response to a question from members around current debt and whether the council was likely to get it all back, it was confirmed that £94,000 was the long term potential risk of non-recovery. Although this did not include Homelessness Bonds which were fully provided due to the nature of the debts involved.
Members noted the report. |
Finance & Performance Scrutiny Work Programme To provide members with an update of the work programme. Minutes: Members noted the work programme. |