Venue: De Montfort Suite, Hinckley Hub. View directions
Contact: Rebecca Valentine-Wilkinson, Democratic Services Officer, tel 01455 255834
Note: See media below to watch meeting remotely
No. | Item |
Apologies and substitutions Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Mullaney and Weightman. |
Minutes of previous meeting Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Williams, seconded by Councillor Sutton and
RESOLVED – the minutes of the meeting held on 8 July be confirmed as a correct record. |
Declarations of interest To receive verbally from members any disclosures which they are required to make in accordance with the Council’s code of conduct or in pursuance of Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. This is in addition to the need for such disclosure to be also given when the relevant matter is reached on the agenda. Minutes: No interests were declared. |
Hinckley Leisure Centre Annual Performance Review 2023/24 To provide members with an annual update on the performance of Hinckley Leisure centre for the period April 2023 to March 2024 under the operation of Places Leisure Minutes: Members received a presentation from representatives of Places Leisure. During discussion, the following points were raised:
· Plans for solar panels on the leisure centre · A new platform used by the operators to see where the membership was coming from · The increase in the number of schools accessing swimming lessons at the leisure centre · Work in the rural communities to improve physical and mental wellbeing · Other venues across the borough which provided community activities, such as Sport In Desford and village halls.
It was requested that the information on where members of the leisure centre were from be included in future annual reports. |
To update members on current fly tipping data as requested at the previous meeting Minutes: Further to a request at the previous meeting for additional fly tipping data to that included in the end of year performance report, members received a briefing note with the information. It was noted that the data was also required to be reported nationally.
It was noted that, where possible, investigations took place to find out where the refuse had originated from by using address labels, however fly tippers were taking more care nowadays to remove identifying information.
It was reported that warning letters and fixed penalty notices could be issued – the fine for the latter had doubled in April 2024. In the event that a householder had paid someone to remove their rubbish which was then fly-tipped, a duty of care inspection could be undertaken in recognition of the householder’s duty to ensure their refuse is being disposed of legally.
It was requested that this information be provided each year as part of the frontline service review for Street Scene Services.
Concern was expressed that the reduced open hours of household recycling sites and the requirement for businesses such as farmers to pay to use them contributed to fly tipping.
(i) The report be noted;
(ii) The data be included annually as part of the frontline service review report for Street Scene Services. |
Voids Property Management - Council Housing Service To update members on current voids performance within the council’s housing service Additional documents: Minutes: In response to a request at the previous meeting for further information on performance relating to void council properties, members considered a report detailing the voids process and performance including improvements over the previous 12 months to reduce void times. It was noted that there were no long term voids.
Members welcomed the report and asked that it be noted by the Housing Task & Finish Group which was currently undertaking a review.
RESOLVED – the report be noted. |
Sundry Debts Quarter 1 2024/25 To inform members of the position on sundry debts as a 30 June 2024 Minutes: This report was deferred to a future meeting where it would be taken with the report for the second quarter of 2024/25. |
Financial Outturn Q1 2024/25 To present to members the financial outturn position as at June 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: This report was deferred to a future meeting where it would be taken with the report for the second quarter of 2024/25. |
Treasury Management Q1 2024/25 To inform members of the treasury management activity in the first quarter of 2024/25. Minutes: This report was deferred to a future meeting where it would be taken with the report for the second quarter of 2024/25. |
Business rates and pooling update Q1 2024/25 To inform members of business rates performance from 1 April 2024. Minutes: This report was deferred to a future meeting where it would be taken with the report for the second quarter of 2024/25. |
Finance & Performance Scrutiny Work Programme To inform members of the current work programme Minutes: It was requested that a report on food waste be brought to a future meeting, to include progress on the project and any issues that were foreseen. |