Agenda item

19/00464/OUT - Factory Units, 23 Wood Street, Hinckley

Application for residential development of existing industrial site (Outline - access, layout and scale only).


Late items received after preparation of the agenda:



Following the publication of the committee report, concern has been raised by local residents that with the loss of the car parking provision on the site and the potential for additional car parking from future residents there is a need for parking permits to be introduced in the area.


Concern has also been raised whether each proposed unit would have adequate natural daylight into the habitable rooms.


It has been noted that the committee report contains an error in the figure for the off-site commuted sum for affordable housing.



Residential amenity of future residents

Condition 4 seeks to impose a maximum number of residential units on the site. An assessment will need to be made at the reserved matters stage to ensure that this number of units can be accommodated on the site and that provision can be made for each unit to have adequate useable floor space and natural daylight to all habitable rooms. Based on this assessment at reserved matters stage, a lower number of residential units may only be achievable on the site. A planning condition should be imposed to ensure that detailed floor plans and window details are submitted with the reserved matters for appearance.


Parking Provision

As discussed at paragraph 8.54 in the committee report, there are on-street parking restrictions during the daytime along the roads in the vicinity of the site. Whilst the site layout submitted with the outline application demonstrates that car parking provision could be achieved for 37 car parking spaces, condition 19 is recommended to be amended to allow an assessment of whether additional car parking provision can be provided within the site on areas shown for soft landscaping and to ensure appropriate parking is provided for the provision of housing to be accommodated on site.

Discussions have also been undertaken with the parking team responsible for the Council’s car parks who has confirmed that parking permits for existing residents could be made available which would allow them to park in the daytime at the Alma Street and Druids Street Car Parks.  There are no restrictions in the evening and overnight after 6pm to 8am on the surrounding streets.


Section 106 Agreement

The off-site commuted sum for affordable housing should read £48,708.00 instead of £72,113.00.



The recommendation contained in the Committee Report should be amended to read as follows:

·                The completion within 3 months of this resolution a S106 agreement to secure the following obligations:

·                     £48,708.00 as an off-site commuted sum for affordable housing.

·                     £1585.00 towards civic amenity facilities at Barwell.

·                     £970 towards library facilities at Hinckley Library.

·                     £19,400.40 towards the cost of providing additional health care accommodation for 85 patients in Hinckley.

·                     Off-site open space contribution towards the public open space at Hollycroft Park, Argents Mead and/or Queens Park of £37,697.10 and £20,017.20 for maintenance costs.

·                     Planning conditions outlined at the end of this report

·                     That the Planning Manager be given powers to determine the final detail of planning conditions.

·                     That the Planning Manager be given delegated powers to determine the terms of the S106 agreement including trigger points and claw back periods.


Condition 19 should be amended to read:

19.      Notwithstanding the details hereby approved on the Concept Site Layout Drg No: 19/28 05B any reserved matters application relating to appearance or landscaping shall be accompanied by full details of the proposed car parking provision and turning areas to    be provided on the site including the provision of additional car parking spaces, where   feasible. Thereafter the onsite parking provision shall be so maintained in perpetuity.


Reason: To ensure that adequate off-street parking provision is made to reduce the possibility of the proposed development leading to on-street parking problems locally            and to enable vehicles to enter and leave the site in a forward direction in the interests of highway safety and in accordance with Policies DM17 and DM18 of the SADMP    (2016).


An additional condition should be imposed:

25.      Any reserved matters application relating to appearance shall be accompanied by             detailed floor plans (drawn to scale) for each residential unit which demonstrate the             usable floor space for each unit and how each habitable room would have adequate             natural daylight.


Reason: To ensure that the proposal does not have a significant adverse impact on the residential amenity of future residents in accordance with Policy DM10 of the SADMP (2016).


Application for residential development of existing industrial site (outline – access, layout and scale only).


Notwithstanding the officer recommendation that permission be granted, some members felt that the issues raised about overlooking required more investigation and the positioning of block A should be reconsidered. It was moved by Councillor Bray and seconded by Councillor Hollick that the application be deferred for up to two months to look into these matters. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – the application be deferred for up to two months to discuss the abovementioned concerns with the applicant.

Supporting documents: