Agenda item

Town & Country Planning Act 1990 - applications to be determined

Schedule of planning applications attached.


The Committee considered a schedule of planning applications, together with a list of late items and the recommendations of the Head of Planning.


(a)        12/00388/COU – Change of use to hand car wash, Bubble Boyz Car Wash, Watling Street, Hinckley – Mr R Sokhi


            It was reported that this application had been deferred to the next meeting in order to resolve drainage issues with Severn Trent Water.


(b)        12/00313/CONDIT – Variation of condition 16 of planning application 10/00332/FUL for the erection of warehouse (class B8 use), Timken Desford Steel Limited, Desford Lane, Kirby Muxloe – Crown Crest (Leicester) PLC


On the motion of Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Inman it was


RESOLVED – the application be permitted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.


 (c)       12/00444/CONDIT – Variation of condition 12 of planning permission 08/00187/COU for change of use of existing factory and warehouse to warehouse and distribution, Timken Desford Steel Limited, Desford Lane, Kirby Muxloe – Crown Crest (Leicester) PLC


            Whilst generally in support of the officer’s recommendation, Members felt that a liaison group to include HBBC, Leicestershire County Council, Ward Members, the relevant Parish Councils and users of the site be set up to monitor the situation and attempt to address residents’ concerns.


            On the motion of Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Allen, it was




(i)         the application be permitted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report;


(ii)        a liaison group be set up, facilitated by HBBC.


Councillors Bessant and Sprason left the meeting at 7.25pm.


Having declared a pecuniary interest in the following application, Councillor Batty left the meeting at 7.28pm.


(d)        12/00380/OUT – Erection of 13 bungalows (extension to Markfield Retirement Village), Land off Pinewood Drive, Markfield – Mr Richard Gennard


On the motion of Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Moore, it was


RESOLVED – the application be refused for the reasons contained in the officer’s report.


Councillor Batty returned to the meeting at 7.45pm.


(e)        12/00533/FUL – Extensions and alterations to dwelling and change of use to C2 (residential institution), 34 Adrian Drive, Barwell  Mr S Cheshire


Members expressed concern about bins being kept at the front of the properties, and it was requested that this be included in a note to applicant. It was moved by Councillor Sutton, seconded by Councillor Taylor and


RESOLVED – the application be permitted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.


(f)         12/00507/FUL – Demolition of Methodist Church and school building and erection of new Methodist Church, Burbage Methodist Church, 40 Windsor Street, Burbage – Mr John Bircumshaw


            On the motion of Councillor Allen, seconded by Councillor Morrell, it was


RESOLVED – the application be permitted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.


(g)        12/00597/FUL – Demolition of existing bungalow and associated outbuildings and erection of 57 dwellings and associated works, conversion of engine shed into visitor centre and formation of ten allotments and an ecological mitigation area, Sedgemere, Station Road, Market Bosworth – Sedgemere Developments


Some Members felt that there was insufficient detail contained within the proposal and it was moved by Councillor Ward and seconded by Councillor Sutton that the application be deferred and more information requested. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was LOST.


On the motion of Councillor Hall, seconded by Councillor Boothby it was


RESOLVED – subject to the execution of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and Section 111 of the Local Government Act 1972 towards the provision of affordable housing, the provision and maintenance of open space facilities and education, the Head of Planning be granted delegated powers to issue full planning permission subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report. Failure to complete the agreement within three months of the date of this Committee might result in the application being refused.


Having reached 9.20pm, it was moved by Councillor Crooks and seconded by Councillor Taylor that the meeting be extended to consider the remaining items of business.


(h)        12/00486/FUL – Erection of motor dealership including workshops, outdoor car sales display areas and associated works, Land (Unit D) at the junction of Coventry Road and Maple Drive, Hinckley – Mr Len Hallows


            Attention was drawn to the amended recommendation in the late items that the application be permitted subject to conditions.


            Concern was expressed regarding landscaping and the need for some natural screening. It was moved by Councillor Batty and seconded by Councillor Crooks that the decision be delegated to the Head of Planning to grant permission subject to the conditions contained in the late items and agreement of an acceptable landscaping scheme. Upon being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED and


RESOLVED – the Head of Planning be granted delegated authority to grant permission subject to the conditions contained in the late items and agreement of an acceptable landscaping scheme.


(i)         12/00447/FUL – Extensions and alterations to emissions building and erection of temporary office accommodation, Triumph Motorcycles Ltd, Dodwells Road, Hinckley – Mr C Harvey


It was moved by Councillor Moore, seconded by Councillor Crooks and


RESOLVED – the application be permitted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.


(j)         12/00548/CONDIT – Removal of condition no4 of planning permission 09/00266/FUL to retain existing access, 2 Aldridge Road, Burbage – Mr Michael Broderick


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that the application be permitted, Members felt that the proposed entrance was too close to the junction and the application should therefore be refused on grounds of highway safety. It was also requested that, should the applicants submit an appeal, HBBC employ a Highways Consultant to present its case. On the motion of Councillor Mayne, seconded by Councillor Crooks, it was


RESOLVED – the application be refused on grounds of highway safety due to proximity to the junction.


(k)        12/00513/FUL – Erection of agricultural building, 15 Bilstone Road, Little Twycross – Mr David Wright


On the motion of Councillor Crooks, seconded by Councillor Taylor, it was


RESOLVED – the application be permitted subject to the conditions contained in the officer’s report.


Councillors Boothby and Smith left the meeting at 9.40pm.


(l)         12/00549/HOU – Extensions and alterations to dwelling, 64 Southfield Road, Hinckley – Miss Louisa Horton


            On the motion of Councillor Witherford, seconded by Councillor Hall, it was


RESOLVED – the application be permitted subject to no new significant material objections being received prior to the expiry of the consultation period ending 10 August and the conditions contained in the officer’s report.

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