Agenda item

Motion from Councillor M Mullaney, seconded by Councillor Sheppard-Bools

1.         Council notes that:


a.          Carers – paid and unpaid, young and old – do a remarkable and important job. They are an integral part of our community in Hinckley and Bosworth. They deserve our support, but are far too often forgotten and ignored.

b.          Carers in Hinckley and Bosworth and across the country face big challenges every single day; challenges that have been made even harder by the Covid-19 pandemic. Most are having to spend more time looking after loved ones during the pandemic, most haven’t been able to take a single break since it started, and most are simply exhausted.

c.           Situations provoking care interventions can happen with little warning. Often those giving care have to reduce their working hours or give up work to juggle competing demands.

d.          The pressures on young carers can negatively impact on their experiences and outcomes in education, having a lasting effect on their life chances.

e.          Many carers are unaware of their entitlement to financial support, a carer’s assessment or break, and the support services available.


2.         Council further notes that:


a.        1,167 full-time unpaid carers in Hinckley and Bosworth rely on carer’s allowance.

b.        At just £67.25 a week, carer’s allowance is the lowest benefit of its kind.

c.        In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the government increased the universal credit standard allowance and the working tax credit basic element by £20 a week above the planned uprating in April 2020, but it has not increased carer’s allowance.

d.        Many unpaid carers are facing extreme financial hardship. A recent survey by Carers UK found that more than a third of those on carer’s allowance are struggling to make ends meet. Many have been struggling for months, often relying on foodbanks to feed themselves and the people they care for.

e.        The Carers UK survey found that “43% of carers felt that a rise in carer’s allowance would help them, given the financial pressures they are facing”.


3.         Council resolves that:


a.            We must stand up for carers, do more to support them, and built a more caring society as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic.

b.            We will review how carers in Hinckley and Bosworth are made aware of existing support that is available and to bring back any recommendations to Hinckley and Bosworth.

c.            We will promote Young Carers Action Day on 16 March 2021 as widely as possible on an annual basis, particularly to young carers and their families.


4.         Council calls on the Chief Executive to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, urging them to raise carer’s allowance by £20 a week immediately, in line with the increase in universal credit, and copy in our local MPs, asking for their support.


Councillor Mullaney, seconded by Councillor Sheppard-Bools, proposed the following motion:


“1.        Council notes that:


a.          Carers – paid and unpaid, young and old – do a remarkable and important job. They are an integral part of our community in Hinckley and Bosworth. They deserve our support, but are far too often forgotten and ignored.

b.          Carers in Hinckley and Bosworth and across the country face big challenges every single day; challenges that have been made even harder by the Covid-19 pandemic. Most are having to spend more time looking after loved ones during the pandemic, most haven’t been able to take a single break since it started, and most are simply exhausted.

c.           Situations provoking care interventions can happen with little warning. Often those giving care have to reduce their working hours or give up work to juggle competing demands.

d.          The pressures on young carers can negatively impact on their experiences and outcomes in education, having a lasting effect on their life chances.

e.          Many carers are unaware of their entitlement to financial support, a carer’s assessment or break, and the support services available.


2.         Council further notes that:


a.        1,167 full-time unpaid carers in Hinckley and Bosworth rely on carer’s allowance.

b.        At just £67.25 a week, carer’s allowance is the lowest benefit of its kind.

c.        In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the government increased the universal credit standard allowance and the working tax credit basic element by £20 a week above the planned uprating in April 2020, but it has not increased carer’s allowance.

d.        Many unpaid carers are facing extreme financial hardship. A recent survey by Carers UK found that more than a third of those on carer’s allowance are struggling to make ends meet. Many have been struggling for months, often relying on foodbanks to feed themselves and the people they care for.

e.        The Carers UK survey found that “43% of carers felt that a rise in carer’s allowance would help them, given the financial pressures they are facing”.


3.         Council resolves that:


a.            We must stand up for carers, do more to support them, and built a more caring society as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic.

b.            We will review how carers in Hinckley and Bosworth are made aware of existing support that is available and to bring back any recommendations to Hinckley and Bosworth.

c.            We will promote Young Carers Action Day on 16 March 2021 as widely as possible on an annual basis, particularly to young carers and their families.


4.         Council calls on the Chief Executive to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, urging them to raise carer’s allowance by £20 a week immediately, in line with the increase in universal credit, and copy in our local MPs, asking for their support.”


Councillor M Mullaney, supported by at least five further members, requested that voting on the motion be recorded. The vote was taken as follows:


Councillors Bill, Bray, Cope, M Crooks, W Crooks, Findlay, Flemming, Furlong, Gibbens, Glenville, Hodgkins, Hollick, Lay, Lynch, L Mullaney, M Mullaney, Nichols, Pendlebury, Sheppard-Bools, Walker, Webber-Jones and P Williams voted FOR the motion (22);


Councillor Smith voted AGAINST the motion (1);


Councillors C Allen, R Allen, Collett, Cook, Ladkin, Morrell and O’Shea abstained from voting.


Councillors Roberts and H Williams did not take part in the vote due to having declared a personal interest in the item.


The motion was therefore declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – the motion be approved.