Welcome to our first formal meeting of Council since the Easter break. Tonight’s agenda covers three key items of formal business. The council’s Housing Asset Management Strategy, which sets out our approach to the management of our current stock of council properties across the borough; a report on progressing urgent works to Bradgate Stables in Groby, an important Grade II listed building; and a report covering the off street parking places order to address technical changes arising from updated national regulations that come into force from 31 May 2022.
I have set out some other key items of note.
I am pleased to confirm the council has welcomed the first guests from Ukraine, who have been arriving on both the family visa and through the Homes for Ukrainian sponsorship schemes. The borough officers have provided advice and support to both sponsors and guests, ensuring everything is done to help them settle into their homes. Property inspections are close to being completed for those people who have offered accommodation to support guests.
The community response has been amazing, with donations to Feed the Hungry (a local charity) who are now directly supporting Ukrainian guests with essential goods and also support groups being established to connect people. I would like also to extend my thanks to local businesses who have also been helping, for example with Hinckley and Rugby Building Society helping to support people on family visas.
We have a number of HBBC staff volunteering and supporting Feed the Hungry. I recently visited their base in Hinckley with Sharon Stacey, Director of Community Services, to see at first hand the tremendous work the charity and its volunteers are doing to help the people of Ukraine.
MIRA investment
I am delighted to confirm that the legal agreements between HBBC, the LLEP and MIRA have finally all been agreed to enable significant investment into new, low carbon infrastructure to support research and development initiatives at MIRA Technology Park Enterprise Zone. A visit for all members is being lined up for early summer now that COVID restrictions have been lifted and we have lighter evenings.
I am pleased to confirm that the council, working with its partners, will be offering a fabulous events offer throughout the spring and summer. Plans for Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, that will include a special Proms in the Park performance are well underway. Our Cultural Services and Communications teams will keep you updated on the event details.
HBBC – a platinum awarded council
I am delighted to confirm that the council has been recognised nationally as one of a distinguished number of councils as a Platinum council for its support for the Big Jubilee Lunch, as part of the official celebrations for Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Burbage Common open day
A fun-packed day for the whole family is promised when Burbage Common holds its annual open day on Sunday, 8 May.
The area around the visitor centre at the Leicester Road entrance will be transformed with a marquee accommodating craft and charity stalls and local and national environmental charities.
The event, which is organised by the borough council, really does make the most of the natural environment with workshops, demonstrations, animals, a map display by Hinckley & District Museum, maypole dancing, crafts and other outdoor activities. There will also be food and refreshment stalls catering for all tastes.
Admission to the event, which runs from 10.30am to 4.30pm, is free, but there may be a small charge for some of the activities and workshops held.
Tourism boost
I would like to extend my congratulations to the team at Twycross Zoo for the opening of its newest attraction “Gruffalo Adventure Land”. For those undertaking staycations we have a great array of major attractions on offer, including the Battlefield Centre and Triumph Motorcycle Museum and many magnificent heritage and tourism experiences.
I am pleased to report progress is being made in advancing plans for the new National Conservation Centre at Twycross Zoo. A new design team has been appointed and we are expecting a planning application for this £20m project to be submitted in the autumn.
Business grants
I am pleased to report that the council has ensured that nearly £33.4m of mandatory Covid grants have been provided on 5,673 grants to businesses in the borough. We have also ensured over £5.4m has been provided on 2,005 grants to local businesses.
Council tax rebate
Earlier this year, the government announced a one-off £150 council tax energy rebate for all households in England whose main home is in council tax bands A – D.
The council tax team is working to process the energy rebate to all eligible households as quickly as it can. Payments will be made automatically to all eligible households in one of two ways. There is no need to apply for the rebate or to hand over bank details to anyone:
· Anyone eligible for the rebate who pays council tax by direct debit will receive £150 credited directly into the bank account the direct debit payments are taken from in May 2022
· Eligible households who do not pay by direct debit will receive their payment through the Post Office payout voucher scheme. The person named on the council tax account will receive a letter with a barcode that enables them to pick up their cash payment from and Post Office branch, with appropriate identification. Letters will be posted in may 2022.
Some important points to clarify:
· This scheme is not a reduction in council tax
· The payment will not show on the council tax bill
· We will NEVER ask for bank account or personal details over the phone.
For those households who need help with their energy bills but are not eligible for the energy rebate, the criteria for this scheme is being finalised and will be announced in due course.
Further information about eligibility for this payment and how the scheme will work is on a dedicated section of the council’s website.
Local Plan
The council has received a large response (over 700 representations) to the consultation on the local plan and our planning team is currently reviewing all the responses submitted. I remain extremely concerned and disappointed over the county council’s position on our local plan. They do not seem to have the capacity or the willingness to do the work to advise us of the highway infrastructure requirements associated with the development we are having to accommodate, as a result of the government “build, build, build” mantra! I hope this does not have implications on the submission to PINS for formal examination.
Neighbourhood plans
I am pleased to report that the Sheepy Neighbourhood Plan has been updated and is now made. Also, the Barlestone NDP has been signed off to move to referendum.
Rail freight consultation
Public consultation for the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange closed on 8 April. Tritax Symmetry had extended the period of their consultation on their Rail Freight Interchange proposals for residents to have their say, recognising the importance of local comments to be made on this massive development on our doorstep.
The borough council publicised the consultation in the Borough Bulletin, the media and on social media in order to ensure the proposals were widely known and to give residents the chance to take part in the consultation.
The publicity also highlighted the council’s concerns about the environmental impact the development will have on Burbage Common and the local area.
While this council will not be deciding any application, as a statutory consultee the council reviewed the plan and offered our own detailed responses to Tritax and the Planning Inspectorate, stating the borough council remains firmly committed to opposing these plans.
This significant proposed site, which will involve up to 850,000m2 of buildings for logistics use is to the north-east of Hinckley – partially within the Hinckley and Bosworth borough with the majority situated within the Blaby district, would be based close to junction 2 of the M69 to the north of Burbage Common. It is understood that up to 268 hectares (equivalent of 662 acres) of land would be used for the construction of a rail terminal for the loading and unloading of freight trains under the proposals.
Stuart Bray
Leader of the Council
26 April 2022
In his position statement, the Leader referred to:
· Support for Ukraine
· MIRA investment
· Events planned as part of Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations
· The council being recognised as a Platinum Council for its support for the Big Jubilee Lunch
· Burbage Common open day
· Tourism within the borough including the opening of Gruffalo Adventure Land at Twycross Zoo, the Battlefield Centre and Triumph Motorcycle Museum
· Business grants
· Council tax energy rebate
· Local plan and neighbourhood plans
· Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange consultation.