Agenda item


(a)        Question received from Councillor Smith and addressed to the Leader of the Council


           Radically altered shopping habits and a much changed retail environment is putting great pressure on high streets and town centres throughout the country.  The Town Centre Partnership in Hinckley has worked well with the Borough and County councils to try to boost local trade but our area is not immune from the difficulties affecting the retail sector so what measures over the next year or so will the Council be taking to promote Hinckley as an attractive shopping choice?”


Response from Councillor Bray


“Thank you for your question Councillor Smith.


You are correct in that the Council works very closely and successfully with its Town Centre partners. Numerous measures are being planned to assist in ensuring Hinckley town centre remains a vibrant place to visit and shop. These include:


·         The continued development of the Loyalty Card Scheme which encourages local spend – over 4500 participate.

·         £20k external funding has recently been secured via Portas and LCC for online and social media training and new business support.

·         A dynamic events calendar has been produced and distributed aimed at increasing footfall – 54,000 participants in 2012

·         The Council is working alongside traders who stand on our Markets with the aim to sustain and grow its excellent reputation

·         The Business Improvement District Team continues to offer an excellent service to local stakeholders

·         Car parking fees have been reduced at certain times encouraging easier and more affordable access to shoppers.


Please be assured that Town Centre partners are working collaboratively to maximise opportunities.


I can also confirm that from April 1st we will be cutting the bottom two tariffs short stay parking charges in an effort to boost the numbers of people visiting the town.”


(b)        Question received from Councillor Bessant and addressed to the Leader of the Council


“Would the Leader of the Council please update Members on the status of the Bus Station redevelopment? Can he especially confirm to Members that the Administration is still on track to deliver the redevelopment exactly as he has promised to the people of this Borough?”


Response from Councillor Bray


“Thank you Councillor Bessant for your question.


As you will be aware, the Council resolved to amend the Development Agreement which it has with Tin Hat Regeneration Partnership at its meeting in November 2012. The reason explained for this was that following discussions with the Developer, it had become clear that due to the challenging economic climate, the most effective way of delivering the development would be in two stages, the initial stage being the food store, the Cinema, the family restaurants and bus station and public realm.


Following that decision, Sainsbury’s have been considering the impact of the changes proposed by Tin Hat. These matters are still under discussion between all parities with a view to securing the most positive outcome. I have requested that Officers bring back a report to Council once they have clarity over any further changes to the phasing and delivery timetable.”


The following questions had been received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1:


(a)        Question received from Councillor Smith and addressed to the Leader of the Council


           Radically altered shopping habits and a much changed retail environment is putting great pressure on high streets and town centres throughout the country.  The Town Centre Partnership in Hinckley has worked well with the Borough and County councils to try to boost local trade but our area is not immune from the difficulties affecting the retail sector so what measures over the next year or so will the Council be taking to promote Hinckley as an attractive shopping choice?”


Response from Councillor Bray


“Thank you for your question Councillor Smith.


You are correct in that the Council works very closely and successfully with its Town Centre partners. Numerous measures are being planned to assist in ensuring Hinckley town centre remains a vibrant place to visit and shop. These include:


·         The continued development of the Loyalty Card Scheme which encourages local spend – over 4500 participate.

·         £20k external funding has recently been secured via Portas and LCC for online and social media training and new business support.

·         A dynamic events calendar has been produced and distributed aimed at increasing footfall – 54,000 participants in 2012

·         The Council is working alongside traders who stand on our Markets with the aim to sustain and grow its excellent reputation

·         The Business Improvement District Team continues to offer an excellent service to local stakeholders

·         Car parking fees have been reduced at certain times encouraging easier and more affordable access to shoppers.


Please be assured that Town Centre partners are working collaboratively to maximise opportunities.


I can also confirm that from April 1st we will be cutting the bottom two tariffs short stay parking charges in an effort to boost the numbers of people visiting the town.”


(b)        Question received from Councillor Bessant and addressed to the Leader of the Council


“Would the Leader of the Council please update Members on the status of the Bus Station redevelopment? Can he especially confirm to Members that the Administration is still on track to deliver the redevelopment exactly as he has promised to the people of this Borough?”


Response from Councillor Bray


“Thank you Councillor Bessant for your question.


As you will be aware, the Council resolved to amend the Development Agreement which it has with Tin Hat Regeneration Partnership at its meeting in November 2012. The reason explained for this was that following discussions with the Developer, it had become clear that due to the challenging economic climate, the most effective way of delivering the development would be in two stages, the initial stage being the food store, the Cinema, the family restaurants and bus station and public realm.


Following that decision, Sainsbury’s have been considering the impact of the changes proposed by Tin Hat. These matters are still under discussion between all parities with a view to securing the most positive outcome. I have requested that Officers bring back a report to Council once they have clarity over any further changes to the phasing and delivery timetable.”


As a supplementary question, Councillor Bessant asked for more specific information on timescales. In response, the Leader stated that he would seek to have an item on the agenda for the next Council meeting if possible.