Agenda item

21/01413/REM - Land East of Roseway, Stoke Golding

Reserved matters application for the residential development of 65 dwellings with associated open space and children’s play area. This reserved matters application is for the consideration of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following the approval of outline permission 20/00779/OUT for the erection of up to 65 dwellings including public open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure (Outline – access only).


Late items received after publication of agenda:



Further objections received:


2 additional objections have been received, raising the following:


1.         The proposed development would be overbearing onto 18 Whitemoors Close as the size of the property immediately adjacent to the property has been enlarged and repositioned


2.         Stoke Golding Parish Council and Ward Councillor have not been given due emphasis in the decision making process.


3.         On the point of 'appropriate landscaping and design', neither is proposed in the latest site layouts to shield residents from the overshadowing nature of the development.


4.         Proposed is a straight run of road East to West of the site running directly downhill to the west, terminating at the boundary of no.18 with a turning space, creating further problems with vehicle light pollution, noise, water cascading down this road.


5.         Point 8.14 goes against any principles expressed by the developers, builders and HBBC about having a sympathetic approach towards and involving the local residents.


6.         An increase of one drive width (2.5 metres), negated by the increase and repositioning of the house on Plot 65. The absence of a window does not cover the meaning of 'privacy'.                       


7.         If the road layout means is not adopted, it will be left to a 'management company' to ensure it is maintained, and if, as was first proposed, permeable surfaces are used to reduce the risk of flooding, and these are not maintained correctly, it has been shown that their permeability is rendered inoperative, leading to runoff water heading west toward the Whitemoors Close boundary in uncontrolled volumes, no soil to partly absorb, just hard surfaces to run over.


8.         The various reports concerning geology, site topography and flood risk                        highlighted a possibility of flooding. With the changing climate conditions, the 1 in 1000 standard is long overdue for revision. Houses in Sherwood Road, Whitemoors Close and Roseway have continued to experience flooding over several decades.



9.         Highway safety will be further impacted by the increase in vehicular movements through the village. Currently there are 1000 vehicle movements in and out of the village along Stoke Road between 8.00 and 9.00am, the vast majority being school traffic. As the village schools are already full, more schoolchildren will be transported to and from distant schools, creating further pressures and dangers, exacerbated by the fact that Stoke Road doesn't have a suitable footpath for walking or cycling, nor a provision for one to be created as part of 'planning gains' from this Roseway development.


10.      Landscaping Plan - There is no planting proposed between the rear of the planned housing and the existing bungalows on Sherwood Road enabling a view down into our homes. Hedgehogs regularly use this access from the field into the gardens and onto Sherwood Road.


Revised Site Plan:


Revised site plan provided by the application which now includes the raised table on the primary access road, as per our conversations with the highways.



Screen Clipping


Application for reserved matters in respect of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (outline reference 20/00779/OUT).


Two objectors, the agent and a representative of the parish council spoke on this application.


Notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation that permission be granted, members felt that further discussion was required in relation to the siting of the attenuation pond, the housing mix, reduction of the number of private driveways not intended to be adopted, the impact of the development on flooding, landscaping to the south and west boundaries, and the position of the affordable housing. It was moved by Councillor Bray and seconded by Councillor R Allen that the application be deferred to the following meeting for further discussion of these points. Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED – the application be deferred to the following meeting.

Supporting documents: