“Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, whilst understanding that the adoption of highways is a county council function, resolves that road adoptions within our district are actively pursued by challenging Leicestershire County Council and developers to contructively work together to get adoptions signed off promptly without delay. Council also resolves:
(a) That the borough planning department sets out within a procedure document:
i. The wording of planning conditions which it proposes be attached to any grant of planning permission where there are roads which will require adoption, including any notes which may also be attached to planning permissions setting out the council’s expectations regarding developer engagement with Leicestershire County Council;
ii. The Borough Council’s proposed means by which it will support, influence and encourage developers and the County Council to adopt unadopted highways in a timely manner when they are constructed;
iii. How they local plan, neighbourhood plans and supplementary planning documents can incorporate the principles set out within the procedure document.
(b) That the Chief Executive requests that the County Council provides a list of unadopted roads within the borough every six months and this is cascaded to members;
(c) That the Chief Executive and Executive member for planning policy write a combined letter to seek an explanation and timeframe for resolution of the following examples:
· To Leicestershire County Council and the CEO of Persimmon Homes inc Charles Church Homes querying why it has taken over eight years since first occupation to complete the highways and adoption of the Sketchley Brook estates in Burbage, specifically Crimson Way, Cardinal Drive, Mayflower Gardens and the surrounding roads. Concern should be expressed about the raised ironworks which could cause injury to persons or damage to property such as vehicles
· To Leicestershire County Council and the CEO of Crest Nicholson querying why it has taken over ten years since first occupation to complete the adoption of the Waterside Park development. Concern should be expressed explicitly explaining the significant delays that residents have faced and their continued frustrations.
(d) That, should an unsatisfactory response be forthcoming from County Hall and Persimmon Homes inc Charles Church Homes in relation to (c), the Council will seek to explore what options it has legally in terms of recourse to enforce completion of the highways so that adoption can be pursued. Council should seek to establish if there are outstanding bonds, indemnities or guarantees held in relation to (c).”
Councillor Findlay and Councillor Bill had given notice of the following motion.
“Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council, whilst understanding that the adoption of highways is a county council function, resolves that road adoptions within our district are actively pursued by challenging Leicestershire County Council and developers to constructively work together to get adoptions signed off promptly without delay. Council also resolves:
(a) That the borough planning department sets out within a procedure document:
i. The wording of planning conditions which it proposes be attached to any grant of planning permission where there are roads which will require adoption, including any notes which may also be attached to planning permissions setting out the council’s expectations regarding developer engagement with Leicestershire County Council;
ii. The Borough Council’s proposed means by which it will support, influence and encourage developers and the County Council to adopt unadopted highways in a timely manner when they are constructed;
iii. How the local plan, neighbourhood plans and supplementary planning documents can incorporate the principles set out within the procedure document.
(b) That the Chief Executive requests that the County Council provides a list of unadopted roads within the borough every six months and this is cascaded to members;
(c) That the Chief Executive and Executive member for planning policy write a combined letter to seek an explanation and timeframe for resolution of the following examples:
· To Leicestershire County Council and the CEO of Persimmon Homes inc Charles Church Homes querying why it has taken over eight years since first occupation to complete the highways and adoption of the Sketchley Brook estates in Burbage, specifically Crimson Way, Cardinal Drive, Mayflower Gardens and the surrounding roads. Concern should be expressed about the raised ironworks which could cause injury to persons or damage to property such as vehicles
· To Leicestershire County Council and the CEO of Crest Nicholson querying why it has taken over ten years since first occupation to complete the adoption of the Waterside Park development. Concern should be expressed explicitly explaining the significant delays that residents have faced and their continued frustrations.
(d) That, should an unsatisfactory response be forthcoming from County Hall and Persimmon Homes inc Charles Church Homes in relation to (c), the Council will seek to explore what options it has legally in terms of recourse to enforce completion of the highways so that adoption can be pursued. Council should seek to establish if there are outstanding bonds, indemnities or guarantees held in relation to (c).”
Upon being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED and it was
(i) That the borough planning department sets out within a procedure document:
a. The wording of planning conditions which it proposes be attached to any grant of planning permission where there are roads which will require adoption, including any notes which may also be attached to planning permissions setting out the council’s expectations regarding developer engagement with Leicestershire County Council;
b. The Borough Council’s proposed means by which it will support, influence and encourage developers and the County Council to adopt unadopted highways in a timely manner when they are constructed;
c. How they local plan, neighbourhood plans and supplementary planning documents can incorporate the principles set out within the procedure document.
(ii) That the Chief Executive requests that the County Council provides a list of unadopted roads within the borough every six months and this is cascaded to members;
(iii) That the Chief Executive and Executive member for planning policy write a combined letter to seek an explanation and timeframe for resolution of the following examples:
· To Leicestershire County Council and the CEO of Persimmon Homes inc Charles Church Homes querying why it has taken over eight years since first occupation to complete the highways and adoption of the Sketchley Brook estates in Burbage, specifically Crimson Way, Cardinal Drive, Mayflower Gardens and the surrounding roads. Concern should be expressed about the raised ironworks which could cause injury to persons or damage to property such as vehicles
· To Leicestershire County Council and the CEO of Crest Nicholson querying why it has taken over ten years since first occupation to complete the adoption of the Waterside Park development. Concern should be expressed explicitly explaining the significant delays that residents have faced and their continued frustrations.
(iv) That, should an unsatisfactory response be forthcoming from County Hall and Persimmon Homes inc Charles Church Homes in relation to (c), the Council will seek to explore what options it has legally in terms of recourse to enforce completion of the highways so that adoption can be pursued. Council should seek to establish if there are outstanding bonds, indemnities or guarantees held in relation to (c).”