Agenda item

Budget reports


The general fund budget for 2023/24 was discussed and the following points were raised:


·         The reduction in funding for local government

·         The strain on social care which has led to unitary authorities being prioritised nationally for funding and leading to pressures elsewhere in local government

·         The risk of unforeseen costs impacting the council’s financial position

·         The need to review costs, secure future income from government and generate new income locally.


Councillor Webber-Jones left the meeting at 7.50pm.


During discussion on the other budget reports, reference was made to:


·         Progress in relation to the crematorium

·         The processes for land acquisition under the approved strategy

·         The need to consider an ICT solution for members from May 2023.


RESOLVED – the reports be noted.


Councillor Lynch left the meeting at 7.55pm.

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