Agenda item

Leader of the Council's Position Statement

Madam Mayor


Tonight's Statement concentrates on four main issues: the Council's financial capability, in the face of increasing pressures from government and service users; an update on the developments at The Crescent and Argents Mead; progress (or lack of it) with City Deals; and the ongoing saga of Mallory Park.


Before I move to those items, I must make mention of the serious accident which Tim Norton suffered whilst kayaking on holiday recently.


Tim, who is a Team Leader in the Grounds Maintenance Team, broke his neck when his kayak overturned and was saved by the prompt action of his wife. He will be absent form work for a lengthy period, but I am sure you will join with me in wishing him a full recovery in the longer term.


Members will be aware of the moves to have the remains of Richard III placed in Leicester Cathedral. I can advise that I have signed the petition in support of this action, recognising the significant benefits this will bring to this area, not least because of the association with Bosworth battlefield.


As regards our budget position for 2013/14, we are still predicting an underspend on the General Fund of £200k, largely based on one-off income increases. In the longer-term, we know we will have to make further savings/income increases from 2015/16 and officers have begun the process of planning ahead, already targeting £250k savings in 2014/15 to give us a head start. I have asked that we make absolutely sure that we identify any underlying underspends before we commit to further savings and that any such savings do not involve service reductions or compulsory redundancies in 2014/15.


Development of the Crescent remains on track. The Council will become directly involved in the positive ongoing discussions between Tin Hat and Sainsbury's in October. The consultation with the Town Centre Partnership gained their full support for the action being taken. Procurement of the Leisure Centre on the Argents Mead site is progressing and is at the Pre Qualification Questionnaire stage. We have received four submissions and are on target to select the preferred position in January 2014, for start on site in March 2014. An officer group has been convened to ensure co-ordination of activity at the town centre sites.


Whilst there is a great deal of work and discussion on the two City Deals, the government, yet again, has put back the timescale for decision - it is now due in early 2014. The problems seem to be at that level, not with anything at the local level in either Coventry/Warwickshire or Leicester/Leicestershire. I will advise Members when we have a final position.


Finally, I must make comment on the position of Mallory Park, on which there has been media comment recently. Senior officers and I have made every effort to secure a position which enables the long-term continuation of operation at the circuit by Mallory Park (Motorsport) Ltd, but at levels of noise and activity acceptable to residents in Kirkby Mallory. Our efforts have been welcomed by Mallory Park and by the governing body, the Motor Sports Association.  However, the landowner is critical to the success of this initiative and discussions with him have yet to conclude. If I have further information to report to the Council, I will do so at the meeting.


Madam Mayor, I commend this Statement to the Council.


In his position statement the Leader referred to the financial position of the council, expressed his disappointment regarding the delay in progress with City Deals, sent his best wishes to Tim Norton, encouraged Members to sign the petition to keep Richard III in Leicestershire and provided an update on the negotiations with regard to Mallory Park.


Lead Members from the other group responded to the position statement, echoing many of the Leader’s points but also expressing concern regarding the future financial position of the authority from 2015 onwards.