Agenda item

Finance reports: General Fund, Council Tax setting, Housing Revenue Account, Capital Programme & Prudential Code reports


The Executive Member for Finance presented reports on the General Fund budget, Council Tax setting 2013/14, Housing Revenue Account budget 2013/14, Capital Programme 2012/13 to 2015/16 and Prudential Code for Capital Finance Local Authorities setting of Prudential Indicators 2012/13-2015/16 and Treasury Management Strategy 2013/14-2015/16. In presenting the reports he highlighted the maintaining of the budget without impact on frontline services or compulsory redundancies and thanked service managers for their input into the process.


During debate, the following points were raised or discussed:


  • Whilst supporting the freezing of Council Tax, concern was expressed about the future challenges and impact on residents when this was no longer possible;
  • It was also acknowledged that the implementation of ‘bedroom tax’, the freeze in benefits and commencement of universal credits would further impact on residents;
  • Confirmation was requested that expected savings would be realised;
  • Some Members expressed concern regarding short term borrowing for the Leisure Centre;
  • A Member asked whether the Administration was confident that the bus station development would be delivered as planned;
  • The need to increase housing stock was expressed;
  • Regarding the Housing Revenue Account, it was stated that money had been transferred from balances to reserves;
  • In response to a question it was noted that budget had been factored in to cover housing improvements as well as repairs;
  • Representations were made regarding the public toilets in Earl Shilton and the need to re-consider as the current arrangements were not working.


Councillor Bessant requested that his group’s support for the freezing of Council Tax be minuted.


Councillor Lynch, seconded by Councillor Bray, moved that the finance reports be approved. Councillor Bray and five further Members requested that voting on the matter be recorded. The vote was taken as follows:


Councillors Bannister, Bill, Bray, Cartwright, Cope, Crooks, Gould, A Hall, P Hall, Hodgkins, Hulbert, Inman, Lynch, Mayne, Mullaney, Nichols, Taylor and Witherford voted FOR the motion (18);


Councillors Allen, Batty, Bessant, Camamile, Chastney, Lay, Moore, Morrell, O’Shea, Smith and Sprason abstained from voting.


The motion was declared CARRIED and it was




(i)         the General Fund service and Special Expenses area expenditure be approved;


(ii)        the proposed movement of General Fund reserves and balances be approved;


(iii)       the Council’s budget requirement be approved;


(iv)       The Council’s total net budget requirement by approved;


(v)        The contribution from Revenue Support Grant and Non Domestic Rates be approved;


(vi)       The transfer of £2,066 from the Collection Fund to an earmarked reserve be approved;


(vii)      The Council Tax for Borough wide services, excluding Special Expenses and Parish Council precepts for Band D be £95.96 and for Borough wide services and an average of Special Expenses Services for Band D be £112.09;


(viii)      The basic amount of Council Tax, being the tax relating to Borough wide services and an average of Special Expenses and Parish Council Services for Band D, be £153.61;


(ix)       The total Council Tax, including amounts for the County Council, Police Authority and Fire Authority and for each area and valuation band be approved;


(x)        The calculation of the estimated surplus on the Collection Fund be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Direction) and transferred in accordance with the Council’s policy to the Pension Reserve;


(xi)       The Housing Revenue Account budget and associated reserve and balances movements be approved;


(xii)      The Capital Programme be approved and balances within the Capital Receipts Reserve be noted;


(xiii)      The new bid of £37,924 for wheeled bins to be funded from the Waste Management Reserve be approved and new bids of £129,000 for Parks and Open Space projects (as long as they could be funded by developer contributions) be approved;


(xiv)     The key elements of the Prudential Code report be noted, including the Prudential Indicators and Limits for 2012/13 to 2015/16, the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement, the Treasury Management Strategy 2012/13 to 2015/16, the treasury management prudential indicators, and the Investment Strategy.